"You're so good at comforting people, Wooyoung," Yeosang remarks sarcastically.

"I'm sorry, I forgot," He defends himself while I sit here, confused as to why Captain got sad. I decide to leave the questions for later, listening to what Yeosang has to say.

"I'm going to be gone for most of the day again with my parents. They... um... they said they had something important to tell me today."

"Do you know what about?" I inquire.

"Mm, no. I don't know." He quickly answers, fidgeting with his hands. I can tell he's a bit anxious about this meeting, but I don't think he'll talk to me about it right now.

"What about you? Are you free today?" I turn to Seonghwa, finally mustering the courage to look at him, waiting for his answer.

"Sadly, no. I'm going to be working in the gardens and helping around to keep myself busy. I feel bad for just crashing here and doing nothing." I nod a bit disappointed and he begins to walk away.

"Aren't you gonna join us for breakfast?" He stops mid-stride pursing his lips and then shaking his head.

"I can't, the Gardner is waiting for me. I'll see you later, though." He smiles reassuringly and I return to eating, feeling 3 pairs of eyes on me once again. All three men are huddled up together as far from me on the table as they can, whispering in low tones and casting suspicious glances. I continue with my food, side-eyeing them here and there when Wooyoung clears his throat to catch my attention.

"So... did you like the date?" He inquires, eyes sparkling with curiosity as he resumes our earlier conversation.

"It was... something," I smile down at my food, biting softly on my lower lip and feeling my stomach tingle at the thought of what happened last night. They all coo at my reaction.

"OH, to be young and in love!" Eye-patch wails, pretending to faint with a hand at his head.

"Guys! Stoppp! It was just a small date," I try to calm them down but they ignore me over their excited chatter.

"Sun-Mi, you do know that he came to ask us for advice on how to make it up to you right?" Yeosang reveals. I'm too shocked to answer so I only stare at them, hearing Hongjoong expound on this revelation.

"He's right. After you two argued, Mina also stormed off and we stayed talking. He mentioned that he felt bad for upsetting you so we tried giving him some advice."


"And we suggested that he take you out in a date." I press my lips together finding it both cute and funny that he needed their help to think of how to make it up to me.

"Did you guys kiss?" Wooyoung asks, shocking me but catching the other 2 mens' attention.

"Wha-- No, why?" The three of them groan while Wooyoung stands up walking towards Yeosang.

"All he had to do was--," Wooyoung demonstrates, violently grabbing a terrified Yeosang and dipping him while he pretends to kiss his best friends. Yeosang shrieks, smacking the lookout as hard as he can, making his friend laugh as Wooyoung helps the navigator sit back up.

"Yeahhhh, no. That didn't happen," I laugh as Yeosang mad-dogs his purple-haired friend. Wooyoung goes back to his place and the conversation dies down. Hongjoong and Yeosang begin filing out to start their day, excusing themselves as they exit. I'm stuck in here with Wooyoung who slurps greedily at his bowl of milk setting it down loudly with a noisy slam.

"Well, I need to get ahead if I wanna get to the docks on time," He begins, also excusing himself from the table. I look down at my breakfast bowl, a bit downcast since it'll be the second day in a row that I'll be left alone when Woo picks up on this. "Do you wanna come with me, Angel-face?" I nod vigorously, quickly kicking up after myself and joining. He smirks to himself as we walk out together.

𝐃𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐖𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 (𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐞!𝐚𝐮) 𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐄𝐙Where stories live. Discover now