The Deal {unedited}

Start from the beginning

  After a moment of silence, his facial features calmed down and he looked somewhat normal. I couldn't read him, his moods and actions were sporadic. He was like a tornado, just ripping through places causing havoc.

  "You know, you haven't asked me yet. About how I'm still alive. Don't you wanna know?," he asked.

  "Frankly, I don't give a rats ass about anything concerning you," I replied.

  He pouted like a child and scooted closer.

  "Come now don't be like that...ask me. Ask me how I still here," he said.

  I looked over at him and saw that he was practically bouncing like a child. Seriously...what the hell was that curse that Fiona used.

  "How are you still here?," I asked.

  "Oh quite pulling my leg...I'll tell you already," he laughed. "It's quite simple, the man you buried that day was a clone. You really think I'd kill myself over that skank whore you call a mother. No, your mother provided me a sense of security. As long as she was alive, the people were somewhat calm and didn't overstep too many boundaries. When she died I knew it was a matter of time before, the people tried to kill me. Hell even the Lords and Ladies of the court were just itching to get rid of me, I could feel it. So I faked my death and escaped; I consider myself a powerful man, but there was no way I could fend against all those magic wielders," he said.

  I remained silent, but he was still bouncing.

  "Come on...ask me more questions. I'm enjoying this father-daughter time," he laughed.

  "How did you get all those mercenaries?," I asked.

  "Oh these guys...they're a bunch of scavengers scouraging around for scraps. Once they realized who I was I promised them if they helped with my plan, they could have whatever they want in Asgard. They practically jumped for joy at the idea," he scrunched his face in distaste. "I have been forced to endure their presence for far too long. But I guess it's worth it seeing you here all sad and pathetic. And I get some loyal lap dogs out of it, so it's not too terrible," he explained.

  He better hope his loyal lap dogs didn't hear him insulting their existence.

  "What is your end goal? Because this clearly isn't it. I know you, this won't keep you satisfied in the slightest," I asked.

  "The million dollar question...I don't know, originally I was just trying to live. I thought once you became Queen, you'd do an even shittier job than me. And then I learned that the kingdom was thriving. Now I think I just want to see it all fall apart; I want you to watch as everything you built came crumbling down," he said honestly.

  He grabbed a chunk of my hair and pulled back, so that I was forced to look at him.

  "But it won't be any fun if you don't fight back. You gotta make it fun Ziya," he complained.

"You really are a sick wonder mom fell out of love with you," I snapped.

What the hell did he think this was. A fücking game; where he could just toss people around like they didn't mean anything.

  "Tsk, tsk...I told you to fix that nasty attitude of yours,"

  He dragged me over to a bucket of water I was meant to drink out of. He forced my head under and held me in place. I tried clawing at his arm until I was sure I was drawing up blood. But then he'd pull my head back and dunk me again. I don't know how many times he repeated this cycle, but I could barely breathe at this point. I was for sure going to pass out.

  And I was welcoming the darkness, craving for it actually. I wanted to sleep. I wanted to die. I wanted to be absolutely anywhere but here.

  "Uh sleeping," another bolt went through my body and I felt severely frazzled at this point. It felt like a crack was made on my sanity.

  "How are you gonna make it fun sweetheart? Hmmm...I'm waiting for the greatest Queen this land has ever seen to come up with a solution for a bored lowly commoner like myself," he mocked.

  "You let me leave," my voice cracked.

*sigh* "I don't know I was expecting something with a little more pizzazz," he commented.

  "Let me leave and tell the court that you're still alive," I continued.

  "Ah shit...I really did a number on you, now you're just talking nonsense," he laughed.

  "N-no-not nonsense. War....that's how I make it fun for you....let's go to war," I said. I could feel my eyes fluttering close, but another bolt was sent through my body and my eyes snapped open. Liam up close and personal, looking interested might I add.

  "War you say?," he questioned.

  "Yes, you let me leave and give me time to gather troops up, we'll fight to both sides fullest ability. I won't hold anything back and neither will you," I said.

  "And how will a winner be determined? Whoever does the most damage? How about casualties?," he asked.

  "No...none of that, our soldiers will fight each other. But the real battle will between you and me. A fight to the death. The winner is whoever makes it out of the fight alive," I said.

  He sat up straight and stared at me for a solid minute. Then he let out an earth rocking laughing, his voice bounced off each of the dungeons walls and ricocheted directly into my sensitive ears. He was laughing so much he doubled over and when he began to calm down, he was wiping tears from his eyes.

  "Now that sounds like fun. You got yourself a deal sweetheart," he smiled.

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