Chapter 48: Shake Things Up

Start from the beginning

He responded immediately, kissing me back and pushed me back up against the bookshelf. I slipped my hands under his shirt, feeling his hard muscles against my hands. His hands grabbed my hips, running up and down my sides.

"How many people visit the library would you say?" I managed to get out in between kisses and he chuckled at my insinuation that we might make use of the empty space.

"You are a nerd." He teased his hands slipping into the waistband of my jeans, making me gasp. He smirked and continued, his lips trailing along my jaw and to my neck. His kisses sent shivers through my whole body.

But then his hands retreated and his lips were gone from my neck as he pulled back. He was breathing hard, eyes closed.

"You ok?" I asked, breathless. His eyes opened and met mine and they were a dark grey. Oh.

"I don't think we should...I'm not sure if I can control- I don't want to hurt you." Talon said then, looking torn. His eyes were full of lust and hunger.

"Sorry, yes-um, my bad." I stammered, blushing profusely and looking away. You idiot Leina, what did you think would happen?

"Though, there are a million things I would love to do to you right now..." Talon said, taking my chin in his fingers and making me look at him. I smiled in return, still blushing. He kissed me on the lips once more, tenderly, his eyes saying he was definitely regretting stopping us.

The large, ornate and old fashioned door to the library creaked, informing us we were no longer alone. Talon stepped a fraction further back and a second later Zara was standing there.

Her long black hair was pulled back into a ponytail, and she wore a white silky blouse and suit pants that accentuated her slim figure. She looked like a model straight off the front page of a magazine.

I hoped I wasn't disheveled looking and blushing in embarrassment. No need for Talon's mother to think I'm some tramp that has hot make out sessions in libraries.

That's what you were just doing, my brain shouted at me.

"I come with no further leads, I'm sorry, the records mentioned nothing of the prophecy." Zara's midnight blue eyes were kind, and if she picked up what her son and I had just been busy doing, she did not let it show.

"No luck here either." Talon said evenly.

"Come, I have had lunch laid out for us outside." Zara said, smiling and already heading for the door, confident we would follow.

Talon sent me a look with his eyebrows raised and offered me his hand.

We followed Zara through the mansion and outside, hand in hand. Again, I thought I might have walked onto the set for a Jane Austen film with antique furniture and servants standing by.

The food was delicious and we chatted about my history, my family and my coven. Zara seemed genuinely interested and kept mostly silent, taking in everything I was saying.

"Talon, the annual gala is coming up." Zara said simply once topics about me had been exhausted. Talon groaned and I looked between them puzzled.

"Perhaps you could teach Leina how to dance? You are expected to be there of course." Zara said, an amused smile on her lips.

"I'm sure Leina does not care for balls." Talon said sarcastically and I almost choked on the tea I was sipping.

Balls? As in a Nineteenth Century ball, fancy dresses and dancing? I've definitely fallen into a Jane Austen film.

"You still have balls?" I asked incredulously but smiling.

"We've kept some things over the centuries, a connection to tradition." Zara said amused at my reaction.

"I'm so there." I said turning to Talon. "Kind sir, please teach me how to dance?" I said in a terrible British accent, excitement bubbling. My inner history nerd was clapping her hands furiously.

Talon rolled his eyes.

"Of course, my lady." He said then, his British accent out and making me want to melt. I laughed. Here was something fun to look forward to in our future of doom and gloom.

"Talon, would you please go and fetch some more tea?" Zara asked then, a smile on her lips. Talon sent his mother a suspicious look, eyebrows raised but did as he was asked. Zara could have asked one of the servants nearby but she clearly wanted him gone so she could talk to me alone.

I tried to remain calm, what could the Royal vampire queen want to talk to me about privately? I didn't have to suffer in anticipation for long.

"Leina, it's clear my son cares deeply for you." Zara said, her eyes kind.

"And I, him." I responded, heart rate increasing. Was this a test?

"I have never seen him like this before. He has had many loves of course, but none quite like this. I don't think there's anything he would not do for you." Zara said then, thinking out loud, a slight frown crossing her delicate features.

"I'm sorry. I know you wouldn't have wanted this for your son, that I-a witch- will bring such problems for your family-." I babbled, anxiety rising.

"-Don't be silly, I already accept you as one of the family. I know fate is not something to be trifled with." she said, her eyes twinkling.

"Besides, I think it's about time to shake things up." she said, smirking. I smiled in return, feeling my nervousness settle. Somehow, I had won her over.

Her voice was serious when she spoke again;

"You know this won't be easy, right? Vampires and Witches were once on more amiable terms but now...there is so much mistrust and animosity between us both. There will be many that wish to see Talon and you separated, punished even. Are you ready to face that?" Zara said, her midnight blue eyes sad.

I swallowed the lump in my throat as reality crashed over me. I'd been so preoccupied with everything else, I hadn't given much thought to it.

I took a deep breath before I answered.

"I've been fighting ever since I was taken to Severus' camp. This is no different. I'm not going to let ancient rules tell me how to live my life." I said, thankful my voice was strong.

Zara nodded and smiled again like she had been hoping I would say as much.


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