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Hotaru was quick to have Hinata sent to Sunagakure to fully help Kankuro's poison while she goes to get Gaara back. She was fully quick, that the Akatsuki members were shocked and they were still pissed they can't get the Tanuki put of him.

"Hotaru Uzumaki, what have you done to keep each jinchurikin safe and us unable to unseal the bijis?" The leader asked as Hotaru shrugs as she looks to Itachi more and looks him in the eyes with no fear.

"Fixed the seals up and it's a rare eighteen-point seal that only a Grand Master of the Fuinjutsus can create. I have that rank and I can't undo it without killing myself. Tough luck. Gaar, time to go home as you have a older brother worried about you with a sister.

Plus Rasa-sama is completely overwhelmingly worried about you." Gaara nods and Hotaru had a Shadow Clone of Shikamaru take him home as she looks to the others and saw one of them has a Jashin necklaces.

"Jashin Priest, Jashin has a small contract with him and you can't attack me for it as he has claimed a mortal as his wife once she dies." He throw the jacket and left the group as he went to join his God's future wife's village.

"I also have a lot of money in my Clan vault that I had never ever checked really." Green eyed man jerks to her fast really.

"How much?" He asked as she thinks on that one.

"No clue. It's all in jewels and gold coins really. Don't even know how much they are and the twenty to forty vaults are full to the roof since we had to placed them in treasure chests and then place them into scrolls to just hold them into really." He left after that and joins her.

"You took two of our members!"

"No. Three. Kabuto is mine and is now fully stuck as a female and Orochimaru has been dead for two years at the hands of Anko, so that four even though he is a ex-Akatsuki member." Hotaru said as she sees the plant one and feels a bad thing from it.

Itachi Uchiha got stuck in one of her Genjutsus when she looked him in the eyes making him to be tortured and unable to get out really as she looks to the others. Shikamaru and Hinata showed up as Sakura has it covered now.

"Oh! Jashin's wife is a Medical Kunoichi now? Best to past it to their second batch since she gave birth to sixteen in one go when he went to claim her as his future wife!" The Jashin Priest looks happy as he can't wait to meet her really, but then the leader Pain is about to attack if Hotaru didn't block it and looks to him really.

"I am Pain, leader of the Akatsuki. Who do you think you are?"

"Oh, no one. Just your average 'Illusionist of Lust', 'Kitsune Kunoichi', 'Rose Master' and lastly 'The Shinigami of Lusty Death'. Ops. Those are my titles and yes, I did all those deaths really. I avoid alliances really." Hotaru said really.

It made Hiden to like her even more as that means they are sent to hell really which she confirms making everyone in the Akatsuki to freak. Shikamaru took Kakuzu to the vault with a Shadow Clone while Hiden was taken to Sakura.

Hinata went to check on their mine and to get more once Kakuzu is done with the Clan vault really as Hotaru is going to be having fun with this as she sees blonde and red head making her to smirk as she's so going to enjoy herself really.

'Let the fun begin!'

With Kakuzu...

He was shocked at the amount of scrolls there is making him to be shocked as he saw the company, the businesses Hotaru has under her name by Kushina Uzumaki, Minato Namikaze and also Mito Uzumaki. He saw lots of red really.

'I see she didn't have time for it and managed to get it under the company to expand them it seems. I better get them out of the red first then deal with the very many vaults. They have a lot of stuff and they just placed it into treasure chests to then scrolls.

Illusion Foxy Rose Kunoichi of KonohaWhere stories live. Discover now