part 11: the outside world!

Start from the beginning

Peridot suddenly looked suspicious, as her eyes looked you up and down, from your slitted eyes to your, partially opened wings and swaying tail. She stared pensively for a moment before the look mild alarm takes over her face. "Oh my stars." she uttered as she took a few steps backs back with a horrified gasp. "Humans are capable of corruption now?!"

A confused sneer contorts your face as you backed up into steven at her sudden accusation.


"What ah- no!" Steven hurriedly and quite defensively answered, abruptly scooping you up into his arms protectively, pressing his hand into the back of head so your cheek would squish into his chest. "(Name) is a siren!" The gem Peridot was now the one wearing a confused sneer as she narrowed an eye slightly. "A... siren??" she looked to be in disbelief as she scanned your body again, her fear slowly melting into interest. "I thought those creatures were just... stories made up by humans?" Steven chuckled weakly as he itched the back of his neck. "Well... they.. aren't." Peridot stepped closer, placing her hands on her hips suddenly looking suspicious. "I thought they were... dangerous as well? Aren't they known for their long line of treachery and deceit?"

Steven stiffened slightly at this and unconsciously held you closer like he'd taken offense to the comment, but forced a reassuring smile. "N-not this one," He proclaimed confidently. "They're gonna different." Peridot crossed her arms, looking ever so slightly skeptical. "Is that so? Are you sure?" Her tone was questioning, making steven knit his eyebrows slightly in what came off as mild frustration. "Definitely!" You look up at him, slightly worried at how tense and defensive he was getting. Great groupers, why is HE the one getting offened? You looked back at the green gem, whose eyes were narrowed on your small form, rubbing her chin in contemplation. That was when she held her arms out.

"Let me see it."

Your eyebrows lifted in slight surprise, taken aback- and admittedly impressed- by the gem's boldness. It was probably because of your size at the moment or the fact it wasn't a normal human, but never before has anyone wanted to hold your kind on first encounter.

No one except Steven and Connie that is.

Speaking of steven...

When you looked up at him, he had the look of hesitance. Fear almost. "What-?" He took a small step back from the gem as she lifted her brow. "I only want a closer look of this so called; 'siren' for a brief moment." She said matter-of-factly. "I've never seen one- a real one- this close before."

Steven stood there for a moment, flicking his gaze between you and peridot uneasily, bitting his lip nervously. After a long pause, he took a long breath and plucked you off his chest, holding you into a gentle cradle. "Ffffine... just... be careful." And slowly and hesitantly, he places you into her outstretched arms.

Her body was pleasantly warm, almost warmer than Steven's body, and you found yourself humming in surprised delight at this contact. She herself hummed, both in interest and in admiration. "Interesting. The depictions I've seen of these so called 'sirens' are quite different from this one," she stated, speaking in a observant, scientifical manner, as if she were taking notes. "Most of them were either purely feathered or purely aquatic. Never before have I seen a mix..." her eyes narrowed slightly. "Another hybrid if you will."

You looked up at her, pupils dilating slightly in surprise. Another hybrid?

"And in contrast to their depicted mischievous, cunning nature, this one is quiet and cooperative." She stares down at you pensively for a moment.

"Interestingly..." you just stared back at her, unsure of her next move. Her face then broke into a soft smile, one of faint adoration.

"This particular siren is quite unique. In both looks and behavior." You find yourself blushing faintly at her words, surprised that a mystical being like herself would even say such things about you.

You were brought back by the sound of steven shuffling impatiently on his feet as he fiddled with his hands anxiously. "Ahem... y-yeah... can you pl-"

He was reaching for you, when peridot decided to gently poke at your foot, making you squeak instinctively at the ticklish feeling. "Purridot!"

Almost as soon as the name left your mouth, the green gem's eyes went wide in what appeared to be shock as a semi-loud gasp erupted from her, startling you and steven. "Oh my stars! They know how to communicate as well as learn names!" She hugs you closer, smiling brightly.

"Amazing! We must show the others this magnificent discovery! Come on!"

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"Amazing! We must show the others this magnificent discovery! Come on!"


Before you could process it, she bolts off in the opposite of Steven's direction, much to his incredible dismay.


My first time drawing peridot...😅

Green bean's hair is difficult to draw-

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