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Chapter 28: House Tour


I know it is a pretty common fact among the rest of the world... but I thought I ought to emphasize for analogy purposes today. We all know that chickens cannot fly, right? Their anatomy just does not let them do it. They just pathetically flap with their wings and it would never truly get the job done to take them to the skies.

However, for some out of this world reason, special people with superpowers exist. And one of those out of the world people is a former colleague of mine that we can just hide in the name "Kris Wu". Kris, unlike those poor chickens, is able to soar above the clouds—even without wings. He laughs at gravity while chickens (and maybe ostriches) cry about it.

And I would like to make a firm stand today, therefore I am stating that that whole set up, my friends, is clearly ridiculous.

Because Kris is a big chicken... and he can fly. Ring quite wrongly in our ears, doesn't it? Because chickens are not supposed to be flying.

After telling me he wanted to talk me last night, he just bailed out last minute when I am all prepared for a messed up and dramatic confrontation between us former colleagues. He said he forgot about what he's supposed to say and dashed out the door.  

And does he really expect me to believe that? Even with his efforts to retain his cool and composed gestures and expressions, I can just see through his lies. I can sniff them out, quite especially with Kris. He's bad at lying in these considerably awkward situations.

And whatever it is that he did not choose to tell me last night bothered me in my sleep. I did not know where Kris slept last night since he lend me his room, but as if I care. For all I know, he's snoring on the roof... he likes doing that like the weirdo he is.

I still looked like a limping zombie this morning, although I am definitely feeling way better than my condition yesterday. Before Lay leave for school, he did a magic with his weirdly glowing hands and healed some wounds and mend some of my broken bones. And it was cool, because there weren't scars left. He works clean alright.

No wonder that those boys' faces were unscathed and neat. There's a unicorn in their pack. A forgetful unicorn at that. I can count how many times Lay dashed back and forth in his room because of "few" things he fails to remember. I know he's in the medical field, and I would not be exactly glad if my doctor has memory issues.

I still fail to recall the other two boys' names, but it would be certainly easy to tell them apart. That tall boy is rowdy and all over the place, and the small one with big eyes is the complete opposite. Both those boys and Zitao had their own bikes. They left for school earlier than the college dudes who luckily have scooters.

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