Chapter 38: Prom

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Today is prom. I was notably nervous but thrilled at the same time. I wanted to make this day perfect for Cambria, one that she would never forget. I know I'll always remember what I have prepared for us tonight. A little over a week ago, my mom joined me, Cambria, and her parents for a family get together. We watched movies, played board games, and had the best time. At one point during the night, my mom and I had a moment alone, and she handed me a key to a cabin that she gifted for us. I kept it a secret, and I intended on surprising Cambria tonight by taking us to it after prom was over. I already talked to Blake and Clara and received the approval I needed for my plan.

Earlier this morning, my mom called to inform me that she wouldn't be able to join us because of her work schedule. Apparently, no one could cover her shift, and too many people had already called out. It made me so pleased to know she wished to be here, and she sounded genuinely disappointed, so I promised her that I would send many pictures throughout the night. Upon hearing that from me, her demeanor instantly brightened, and she cheered up. I also wanted to make sure that she knew I wasn't upset or anything like that. I understood how important work was, and she shouldn't allow it to get her down, either.

Cambria and I were in the process of getting ready, and she showered first as I went afterward. We started preparing early enough so that we both had ample time to enjoy every second of this day together. I got dressed in my tuxedo after showering, and when I looked at myself in the mirror, I couldn't help but smile. I was delighted with how I looked, and I hoped Cambria liked it too.

I made sure I had everything in order before I went downstairs to show Blake our handiwork. As I closed the bedroom door, I could overhear Cambria and her mom talking and laughing in her parent's bedroom down the hall. I already told Cambria and her mom that I really wanted to give them privacy to do all the girly things and have their mother-daughter moments. This is prom, after all. It only happens once, and I wanted it done right, especially for my girl. When I reached the living room, I accompanied Blake as he watched something on the television. He noticed I was there, looked at me, and grinned.

"You look damn spiffy, Mia! We sure did a great job. I know Cambria is going to love it." Blake excitedly said as he got up from the couch to hug me.

"Thank you, Blake... for everything," I replied, trying not to tear up but bombing miserably. I hugged him back before wiping away the few tears that had escaped. Blake is the father that I never had and always wanted... this means the world to me.

We detected voices coming from upstairs, and I beamed, knowing my baby would be joining us shortly. Blake was standing next to me as I leaned myself comfortably on the wall, patiently waiting. A minute later is when I saw her, and my goodness, she looked exceptionally radiant.

She was wearing a v-neck, sleeveless silk, sky blue gown with a satin finish that accentuated her athletically toned arms, which I adored immensely. This dress was so damn perfect that it fit her like a glove and clung to her curves and was very appreciated. Her dress had a train and a low cut back as well. She wore a silver bracelet on her left wrist that shimmered beautifully when the light hit it. Her hair was in a French braid, flowing down her right shoulder, and it reminded me a bit of Elsa from the movie 'Frozen.'

She gracefully strolled downstairs with Clara following behind her. I couldn't take my eyes off of her, and I didn't want to. By the looks of it, she was doing the same thing to me, which made me blush when realizing it. Cambria epitomizes elegance and looks like an angel... my angel. I'm so lucky.

Cambria walked straight to me, never looking elsewhere but into my eyes. Her arms immediately went to my waist, prompting my arms to wrap around her neck. Our bodies molded together as if this was how we were always meant to be. She planted a tender, loving peck on my cheek. We stood there, holding each other, not caring how much time was passing by. It really didn't matter to us at this moment. It was her parents soon after that spoke up, breaking our stupor.

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