Chapter 4: Arrival

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It was early, but not early enough as I finished my shower and got dressed. I quickly, and as safely as I could, ran downstairs to head to school. Damn, I'm still running late. As I reached the front door, my mom called my name, so I turned around to see what she wanted.

"Mia, you better make sure you're home as soon as school is over today. You hung out with that girl enough during summer break, and we want you home for dinner. Also, we are having guests tonight. You WILL make yourself presentable. I do not want to see you wearing your 'tomboy-ish' clothes. Is that understood?" My adoptive mother said. I simply nodded, walked out the front door, opened my phone's music app, played "Free Your Mind" by En Vogue, and started walking to school. My phone went off, and I received a text from Cambria.

Bri: "Miaaaaaaa. Are you on your way to school? I cannot start my senior year of high school without my bestieeee!"

Mia: "How the hell are you so energized and awake in the morning?!"

Bri: "You have yet to answer me..."

Mia: "I know. =)"

Bri: "Asshole."

Mia: "Please, you love me."

Bri: "I do not deny that. Sooo. You are on your way, right?"

I shook my head, slightly blushing at her comment, and put my phone in my pocket. I have about five minutes left before I arrive at 'Hell.' I mean, before I arrive at school. Not even a minute after I put my phone away, I heard the text tone come through my headphones. Twice. I knew it was Cambria. I shook my head, laughing, knowing that she will keep messaging me repeatedly if I don't respond fast enough. I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and proceeded to reply to her text messages.


Bri: "LIKE, OMG! You had better NOT be ignoring me!!!"

Mia: "Calm down, woman! LOL. I will be arriving in less than five minutes."

Bri: "See, now that's what I thought, lol. See ya' soon, nerd!"

Mia: "You too, dork."

I placed my phone back into my pocket and walked up to the school doors. Senior year, huh. Finally! One final year before I can get out of this hellhole. I can't wait. I hope this year is better than in my previous three years here. I let out a breath that I didn't realize I was holding, and then I decided it was time to go inside.

I approached my locker, opened it, and looked around to find the empty spiral notebook I could use today. I felt a tap on my right shoulder and turned to see who was getting my attention. Huh? No one is there. Oh well. I shrugged as I turned back, facing my locker, and Cambria was leaning next to it while laughing.

"Seriously, Mia, you fall for that every single year." Cambria chuckled as I shook my head at her childish-ness. She's right, though, and it never fails. Every year since 7th grade, when the new year starts, we meet up by our lockers, and she does this to me. Hell, you'd think I'd learn by now, huh?

"Bri, maybe it's because I can't quite keep up with your crazy ass," I said to her with a smirk.

"You're never gonna stop calling me Bri, are you?" She asked, amused.

"Nope," I playfully answered while popping the 'p.'

"Do you remember that day when I came up with 'Bri' for you?" I asked her.

"DUH Mia, like you have to ask!" Cambria said dramatically.


Cambria relaxed next to me on the floor as we prepared our usual movie night. I started playing the show, 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer,' and she poured the popcorn into the bowl.

MiaTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon