Chapter 21: Acceptance

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Last night was definitely a realization of my love for Cambria. Almost a month ago, I nearly lost her, and it made me see how my feelings changed and what they had become. Now, as I sit here, helping her get ready for her date with Bryce... it's confirmed, without a doubt... I am in love with Cambria, and I don't know what to do...

The song "I Want You" by Savage Garden started playing from Cambria's phone, and I found myself getting lost in everything she does lately. I always seem to find her wherever we are, without hesitation. Even right now, my eyes are lingering on her beauty, toned arms, soft, gentle skin, smile, beautiful blue eyes... She is consuming my mind, and if I am honest, I don't care.

"Mia," Cambria said to me, pulling me from my thoughts.

"Huh?" I answered, causing her to giggle at my response.

"Which one should I wear tonight?" She asked, and that's when I noticed she had placed two shirts on her bed next to me. I stood up next to her and looked at each of them, one being a blue and a black blouse. I already know which one I'll be picking. Cambria looked amazing in anything, but blue always brought out her eyes gorgeously.

"Blue," I said, and she grabbed it and took off her shirt right in front of me. She was just standing there in her bra and pants. I gulped and stared at her for a second, looking over her body, blushing furiously when my eyes idled themselves on her abs. I quickly turned around to look at anything else, knowing I could get caught if I continued to stare at her.

"Mia, there's no need to turn around. We've always changed in front of each other." Cambria said, sounding amused. I swear it's like she knows how I feel about her, and she is teasing the hell out of me. I turned back around to face her, doing my best not to just stare at her, even though that was all I wanted to do. Nice one, Mia... I decided to take out my laptop to try and busy myself and just focus on editing the photographs I took from yesterday's game.

"Did you get any good shots yesterday?" Cambria asked curiously.

"Do you know me?" I retorted.

"Good point." She replied chuckling.

"Yeah, I did. I have a lot of work to do, though. But I am excited about it. I really love doing this." I added happily.

"I can tell. You get all focused when you talk about it, getting this look in your eye. It's hard to describe, but I can tell how content photography makes you." Cambria stated, and I smiled.

"Thank you for always understanding me, Bri," I said honestly.

"The pleasure's all mine, Mia." She said and smirked at me. I glanced up at Cambria upon hearing that response, and my eyes instantly saw that sexy ass smirk on her face. Damn.

"I'm ready, so... how do I look?" Cambria asked as she stood in front of me. I stood up and looked at her, putting my laptop down. She was wearing a blue blouse with skinny black jeans along with her heel-type boots. Cambria had a modest amount of black eye-shadow on along with mascara, making her eye color really pop as if they were sapphire gemstones. Her hair was combed straight down, flowing elegantly. Cambria was absolutely breathtaking. I wish I could express what I was really feeling, but I am too scared of what could happen.

"You are beautiful, Bri. Bryce is lucky. I'm sure he is going to love it just as much as I do." I said honestly.

"Thanks, Mia. Your opinion is what matters the most to me, ya' know?" I blushed at her words and smiled like a little kid that heard something amazing. I heard her giggle, and when I looked at her, she was staring at me. Of course, she saw me blush. Ugh.

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