Chapter 20: Game

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Once Cambria was discharged from the hospital, she was on strict orders to not overstress herself. She needed an additional week of rest for her wounds to finish healing. After that, she would return to the hospital and get her stitches removed. At that point, the doctor will decide whether or not to give her permission to resume athletic activities. The day she finally got approval, she was so delighted.

She practically had me join and never leave her side every time she wanted to practice and train. I could tell she was extremely thrilled to return to playing sports. There were moments where Cambria looked utterly determined, and then I would catch a glimpse of the most content smile upon her face. Witnessing these smiles and expressions from her made me happy, and I could genuinely tell how much she loves sports, just as much as I love photography. I helped her the best I could and always kept an eye on her while she worked out. This proved somewhat tricky because my glances kept lingering on her from time to time, making my mind wander to non-friendly fantasies.

It took Cambria nearly two weeks of extra practice and many hours at the gym to prepare for tonight's game. She was eager and, in her own words, 'ready to kick some ass.' The only thing I wasn't looking forward to was watching Cambria and Bryce together today. I didn't know what would occur, but I didn't want anything to happen that would make me jealous.

It killed me when I would see him continuously flirting with her during classes and around campus. I don't even know if she could tell he was always doing that or not, but I could tell. Each time I saw it, I just felt an overwhelming urge to smack him in the back of the head. Bryce is such an annoying jock, acting like royalty or something... He always seems as if he can get any girl he wants.

My position as Lead Photographer allowed me permission to go from classroom to classroom. Unfortunately, that meant I had to overhear some of the ignorant things Bryce would say about women in general. It is disgraceful, and I knew I was afraid to tell Cambria about it. I don't know how she will react anyway, and I just want to be supportive. This is all new territory for both of us... I walked into Mrs. Evans class to grab my photography gear, and I wanted to ask her a few questions regarding tonight's game.

"Are you ready for tonight, Mia?" She asked when she saw me.

"As ready as I'll ever be," I answered truthfully. The thing is, I never really understood how or what lacrosse is. Sports and I are not friends.

"You'll do fine. I've seen the work you've already completed for the yearbook, and you have the eye." Mrs. Evans said, praising my skill, and I smiled at her comment.

"Thanks, ma'am. Are there any specific types of shots you'd like me to keep an eye out for?" She took a minute to think about my question before she shook her head, giving me my answer.

"Nope. I trust you. Now, go and try to have some fun too." She finished, and I left her classroom, making my way to the lacrosse field. I heard my phone go off, and I looked at it.

Bri: "I don't see my best friend at my game that is starting in ten minutes..."

Mia: "Don't worry; she's on her way."

Bri: "Oh, she had better be, or else I'd have to punish her somehow... maybe I'll hold her down and tickle her into submission... Yeah, I like that idea."

My jaw slightly dropped when I read that message, and I blushed furiously, imagining that scenario play out in my head. I didn't realize I stopped walking, and I had to shake those thoughts from my mind if I were to make it to the game on time. Come on, Mia... Focus!

Mia: "You're a cruel one, Jones."

Bri: "Oh, please... you'd love it, Nova."

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