Chapter 16: Again

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When I woke up today, I felt incredible. My weekend was extremely delightful, to say the least. My parents were out of town the entire time. I had my second date with Brittany on Saturday. As for yesterday, Cambria and I hung out doing our routine, which consisted of movies, games, a whole lot of snacks, puns, and laughs; the usual.

I got out of bed and began my morning ritual. However, a note at the bottom of my door stopped me. I picked up the letter and read it aloud. "Mia, your mother, and I had an emergency with our jobs, and we left out of town. You had best keep the house clean." I finished reading it, and I couldn't be happier. Yes! This is so perfect.

I put my phone on the charger, took my shower, brushed my teeth, and even had enough time to eat a small breakfast. I closed my front door, put my headphones in, listened to "Push It" by Salt-N-Pepa, and walked to school. Before I arrived there, I needed to text Cambria my news.

Mia: "Morning, hun! I have terrific news to share with you."

Bri: "Oh, you do, do you?

Mia: "Absolutely."

Bri: "Do tell. =)"

Mia: "I shall when I see you."

Bri: "Oooo, it must be good for an in-person reveal. I can't wait!"

I resumed walking to school, and I knew something was amiss the moment I walked through the doors. It was like the air thickened, the sky got dark, or at least, that's how it felt. I instantly saw what looked like a hundred photos of me posted around the school. No... n-not again... how did this happen?

I could feel my heart rate increasing rapidly. My hands trembled when I looked at my phone; it had vibrated multiple times. Glancing down at my cell, I see texts from Cambria, but I couldn't extrapolate what she sent me because my eyes were filled with tears, ruining my vision.

I took a deep breath, but it didn't help. In fact, I think it made things worse. I didn't respond to Cambria... I couldn't answer, and there was no way I could formulate a functional sentence either. I was standing near my locker, frozen. I tried to compose myself and not break down crying as everyone around the school was laughing at me again. I need to leave... I can't be here right now...

"Look at the dyke-whore, selling herself around school!" I heard Vivian shout as she walked up to me, her minions following right behind her. I saw that they are recording my reaction with their cell phones too.

"SLUT!" I overheard some female students shout as they walked past us, laughing with everyone else.

"Do you like my surprise!?" Vivian teases and pushes me up against the lockers, her usual torment beginning. Her minions cackled and kept pointing at me. I looked down, focusing my attention elsewhere. I couldn't concentrate, and my breathing remained heavily labored.

"I love those cuts and scar additions to your thighs, by the way. They add to how much of a stupid and ugly person you are." Vivian added as she continued to laugh, along with what seemed like half of the school joining in with her. I shut my eyes, hoping that it would somehow prevent me from hearing more of what they would say to me.

"Oh, and Dyke?" Vivian spoke up, and she raised my head by gripping my hair forcefully in order to face her, and she smirked maliciously.

She seemed so damn pleased that this was happening, and she shoved a printed photo in my face, harshly. It took me a couple of attempts to push it away from my face while she held it there. Vivian may be a lanky bitch, but she has some strength, unfortunately. Once my eyes focused, I could clearly see what these photos consisted of—me, laying in my bed, half-naked, both cuts and scars on my thighs fully visible. When I looked at the wall next to me, there was a zoomed-in photo, showing my legs, full of cuts.

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