Chapter 30: Biography

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The rest of the day felt odd. Almost like I was stuck in my head, trying to figure out what to do about my Biography paper. I remembered Cambria telling me that everything would be okay, and I appreciated that. When I woke up the next day, I felt terrible about how quiet I was around her.

"Good morning, babygirl," Cambria mumbled sleepily, still waking up.

"I'm sorry for how I acted yesterday and being as silent as I was. It took me by surprise, and I got in my head. I didn't mean to take it out on you in any way. You didn't deserve that at all." I said quickly, and she responded by merely holding me tighter.

"It's okay, Mia. I know your past is a tough subject, and you don't have to apologize for your feelings. I love you, and I will always support you and take care of you," Cambria replied to me, and I let a few tears fall due to her words, appreciating everything she said.

"Thank you, and I love you too," I said to her.

"Are you ready to get up and start on the paper after we eat breakfast?" She asked me, and I nodded in reply.

Cambria got up first, and as usual, helped me up too. We went downstairs and greeted her parents. They were already sitting at the table, waiting for us to join them before eating. I smiled when I noticed that. I love how we always eat together... like a family.

We sat down with them, and everyone began to eat their breakfast... except for me. How should I write this paper? Do I hide away my cutting, or talk about it? What about what happened with my biological parents? Ugh, this is stressful. There are so many options, and I don't know what to do...

"Mia, honey. Are you okay?" Clara asked, bringing me from my thoughts.

"Huh? Yeah, I'm okay... Why?" I asked, confused.

"Because you haven't touched your food," Blake answered, making me look down apologetically at my plate.

"I'm sorry. I'm a little distracted, I guess," I answered. Cambria grabbed my hand and held it in hers. I was extremely grateful she did that. I needed her comfort more than I had anticipated.

"We have to write a biography paper for our psychology class, and it has brought up some unfavorable thoughts that she's trying to sort through," Cambria said to her parents. They smiled and nodded, understanding what this meant for me.

"It's completely understandable, Mia. It will be okay. You'll figure out what to do soon enough," Clara said, and I nodded.

"Please try and eat a little?" Cambria begged me, sounding concerned.

"I will," I said and leaned closer to kiss her on the cheek, hoping it would reassure her and lessen any worries she might have had. I returned my attention to my food, finally recognizing that there is scrambled eggs and toast on my plate.

We finished breakfast sometime later and went back upstairs to our room to begin our biography papers. Cambria sat at her computer desk, and I pulled out my laptop, lying down on the bed.


A couple of hours had passed, and during that time, I heard Cambria typing away. I, however, typed nothing. I was still unsure about how in-depth I should go with it. I felt the bed dip, and Cambria laid down beside me. She was lying on her side and wrapped one of her arms around me while her other held her head up.

"Trying to figure it out, huh?" She asked me while removing her hand from my back and now ran her fingers through my hair. My body instantly relaxed at her touch. I let out a sigh before nodding in agreement.

"You know, no matter what you decide... you'll do amazing, and I will be proud of you. I promise," Cambria said, and I turned to face her.

"I was thinking... maybe I should write about everything... like, what happened with my biological parents, cutting, foster care, getting adopted, bullied, and you," I stated aloud for the first time.

"Are you sure? I support you, no matter what. I just want to make sure you are comfortable doing it because I know how hard it can be to talk about," She questioned, and I nodded.

"You'll stay with me... right?" I asked hesitantly, and she put her arms around me, holding me tightly.

"Always," She responded and kissed me softly on my lips.

"I think this is a great idea, honestly," Cambria added after a few minutes, and I curiously glanced over at her.

"You do?" I asked.

"Yes. Think about it like this... your story, pain, struggles, recovery, and all of it could help people. It may be a way to allow others to realize that things will get better one day. You could be their stepping stone. Mia, you could help so many people, and it starts, right now, with this biography paper." Cambria said, and I smiled. She's right. I never thought about it like this before. Cambria is so perfect. How did I ever get so lucky?

"You're right. I never thought about it like that before, and I want to do this. If there's a chance that I could help one single person, then it is worth it. That's all the reason I need. Thank you, baby," I said, feeling a new drive to begin writing my paper.

"That's my girl," Cambria said, praising me as she kissed my cheek. After that, she got off the bed to go back to her computer desk and grabbed her phone.

"Here, put on some music. I know you want to," Cambria said as she handed me her phone. I searched through her Music Library, finding the perfect song, playing "My Humps" by The Black Eyed Peas. Cambria giggled upon hearing the song I played and started to sing along to it. I watched her lovingly, getting lost in everything she was doing at this moment. I love her so much.

"I love you, Mia. Don't worry, you got this," She suddenly said, and my heart skipped a beat. She really can read my mind. I returned my attention to my laptop and began typing away with Cambria by my side.

She's right. I can do this.

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