Chapter 34: Voicemail

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The sun shined brightly through the window, and those damn rays started hitting my face, slowly and annoyingly waking me up. I stretched as I opened my eyes, and I instantly knew something was missing. I didn't feel Cambria next to me. Hmm, where did she go? She's usually the one to wake me while cuddling me. During the night, I had a few nightmares. I hadn't had any since the night of the incident when Vivian posted those photos of me.

I knew the reason why the nightmares had returned, too; it was because of my mom. They consisted of my past, reliving the moment I got kicked out seven years ago. Throughout the night, Cambria woke me from my restless sleep, held me, and took care of me. I never asked her to do that. I felt terrible, knowing I kept waking her up, but she seemed to want to do this for me. Everything this crazy woman does makes me feel so loved and wanted.

I grabbed my phone off the table beside me, immediately noticing another missed call from my mom's number. I felt a little bit of anxiety, realizing that she had left a voicemail. I haven't heard her voice in so long, and don't know what she's going to say... The uncertainty of this situation scares me the most. I caught the sound of the bedroom door opening, and I focused my attention on it. Cambria walked in, holding what looked like a food tray.

"Good morning, sleepyhead," She said as I sat up entirely, and she carefully placed the tray on my lap.

"What's all this for, baby?" I questioned while gazing at the delicious contents prepared before me, my stomach instantly growling, craving it all. I shook my head in amusement upon hearing Cambria giggle. I knew for a fact she just took notice of my damned stomach speaking. Stupid talkative stomach.

"I wanted to serve you breakfast in bed. You deserve it," Cambria answered happily, taking her usual seat next to me. I gave her a quick peck on the lips and then stared at the tray prompting my stomach to growl again. I swear if it could formulate words, it would probably be saying, 'Feed me, woman! I must devour everything!'

"Will you accompany me? You know damn well I can't eat all of this. Even if my stomach is saying otherwise," I stated as she kissed my cheek and picked up a strawberry, making me giggle. I glanced at her when she took a bite of it and smiled.

I returned a smile her way before looking back at the tasty tray of food. My decision is a difficult one at the moment. I must decide which item to dive into first. There was a decent-sized plate of scrambled eggs, crispy ass bacon, toast with what looked to be raspberry jam, a banana, some strawberries, and two glasses of orange juice.

I picked up a slice of bacon first, noticing how perfectly cooked the meat was. It had the right amount of crunch when I took a bite. Bacon will always be one of my favorite breakfast items. Cambria ate a spoonful of eggs and arranged herself so she could lean on me. The moment I felt a kiss on my shoulder, my lips spread into a smile. I eagerly continued to eat as well as consume some of my refreshing orange juice afterward. So damn delicious!

I observed as Cambria picked up the banana next, unpeeling it enough to where she could take a bite. Instead of doing that, she moved closer to me, and I could feel her face right next to mine. What she did next, I was not expecting, although I should have expected it. It's Cambria that I am talking about here. She now had the banana peeled further, positioning it between her legs.

"Wanna' bite my banana?" Cambria seductively whispered in my ear, making my face flush a deep shade of red at her words.

I could hear the struggle in her voice almost as if a snort dared to escape. I knew she was doing her very best not to laugh, remaining as serious as possible. I, however, couldn't do it. I started laughing my ass off, resulting in her facade breaking, and she laughed alongside me. Sooooo, she wants to tease me, huh? She has yet to realize how much I will love teasing the hell out of her, and she's going to be finding out soon. Cambria, you brought this on yourself.

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