Chapter 15: Brittany

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I arose the next morning feeling great. It's now Saturday, and my date with Brittany is later tonight. My parents left early this morning for their trip, and for whatever reason, I feel less nervous about tonight's date than the one previously. Why do I feel less tense? It is because I will be in my own home, or is it because this is the usual stuff I do with Cambria? Ugh. Oh well, it doesn't matter now. It's about time to get ready.

I shook these thoughts away as best as I could and started to get ready for the day. I pulled out my phone and sent Brittany a text. I wanted to confirm the time she'd be arriving here, so I could prepare accordingly.

Mia: "Hey, Brittany. What time would you like to come over today?"

Brittany: "How about I come over about four, and we can just chill together as planned?"

I glanced at my watch and saw that it was already two in the afternoon. I took only a few minutes to breathe and think things over. I replied to Brittany, confirming our date time. So, she'll be here in two hours, giving me just enough time to get ready. I now wanted to update Cambria about today.

Mia: "Afternoon, Bri. Brittany is going to be here for our date at four, and I am getting ready now."

Bri: "Good. Send me pictures of your outfit. I shall confirm, lol."

Mia: "Lol, okay. Thank you."

Bri: "Of course, dummy. <3"

I went to my closet to pull out a grey tank top with a black and white flannel overshirt. I also found one of my favorite black skinny jeans and placed my clothes on my bed. I then hop into the shower. After about thirty minutes, I finished showering, and I dried myself off. I got dressed, and when I was ready, I took a picture of myself, sending it to Cambria.

Bri: "Would you look at that?! My girl is growing up! I'm so proud!"

Mia: "LOL. Really, Bri?"

Bri: "Yes. You're beautiful, and I am sure Brittany will love it. I know I do."

There was no way to fight back the blush I got when I read Cambria's response. I thanked her and traveled downstairs. I began by preheating the oven and pulled out a frozen Four Cheese pizza. I set it on the counter, then prepared the kitchen table for us in the meantime. I sat on the couch afterward, getting lost in thought as I wondered about tonight. The oven beeped, letting me know the preheating was complete, and I placed the pizza into the oven. I set the timer to go off in approximately twenty minutes.

I looked at my watch, and it is now three forty-five. The pizza should finish by the time Brittany arrives. Now, what do I do? Suddenly, the doorbell rings. Huh? I get up from the couch again, walking over to the front door. I opened it, revealing a smiling Brittany.

"You're a bit early," I said to her, signaling her to come inside.

"Yeah, I was in the neighborhood." She replied to me. We walked into the living room, and she sat down on the couch.

"You look beautiful," She added, making my face go slightly red.

"Thank you, and you also look beautiful, Brittany," I said to her, smiling, and she returned the smile. Her hair was tied up in a lazy bun and was wearing jeans and a t-shirt. She sure looks comfortable.

"I have to say, Mia, whatever you're cooking, smells delicious."

"Oh, it's just frozen pizza," I answered and sat next to her. She giggled and then turned to face me.

"So, dinner and then movies?" She questioned, and I nodded.

"I thought that we could talk over dinner and get to know one another better before watching the movie, though," I said to her.

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