Chapter 16: Conversations

Start from the beginning

He takes a shuddery breath and nods. He can't push Bakugou any further with a good conscience. Tremulously, Kirishima pulls himself up from the chair he sat in and heads over to his own, but as he turns he hears Bakugou speak again and halts his steps.

"I'll come by your room sometime and you can ask me your shit questions," the blonde's low voice says, though his head is still tilted away. Bakugou turns back towards the window and reassumes his earlier position like nothing happened, forcing away the tight feeling in his chest.

Kirishima turns around happily and smiles widely at Bakugou, even if the other boy can't see it. What Kirishima doesn't know is that Bakugou already knows it is there. "Thanks, bro! That's all I ask!" the redhead says cheerfully before traversing the rest of his way to his desk with a lighter, relieved skip to his step.

Bakugou huffs, but he doesn't feel the emotions the irritated sound entails. Instead, he feels an extremely confusing conglomeration of emotions: happiness, confusion, fear, worry, disbelief, and anxiety. He doesn't lament over the feelings, though, as students begin filtering inside. Today won't be like last class, Bakugou assures himself. Kirishima may have been able to see through his facade, but he won't let the others. He won't let them as close.

Once everybody finally arrives, the class begins. It is with an awkward ambiance that the lessons progress, as the boys still avoid interaction with any of the girls besides Momo, though the other girls were informed about Momo's apology after Bakugou left the dorms. Bakugou can also feel the uncomfortable glances that get on his nerves, now coming from the girls as well.

After a very long class, lunchtime arrives and the bell rings. Students cheer and stand up, stretching, and head out of the door to head to the cafeteria. Bakugou stands up from his seat to head to the door with a neutral—Bakugou's neutral—expression, but is stopped by a voice to his left.

"Bakugou?" Hagakure asks.

Bakugou raises an eyebrow. "Invisibitch?" he mirrors gruffly, looking where her eyes should be.

Her uniform fidgets a bit. "Uraraka and I were wondering if we could talk to you real quick, if you don't mind."

Bakugou stays still, staring her down for a moment and watching her nerves grow before replying simply, "Sure, but you can't apologize for her."

"I know, I know!" Hagakure replies, flailing her gloved hands around. "She's going to do her part herself, I just wanted to ask if we could, you know?"

Bakugou glares slightly, but nods. Hagakure sighs and beckons Uraraka, who had been over in her seat looking worried, to come over. Aoyama, who had been the only other person still in the room, notices the exchange and grins, leaving the room with a flourish and a sparkle, as Bakugou makes eye contact with Kirishima, who stands at the door, and gives the boy a nod. Kirishima sends him a grin and motions that he will be waiting in the hall before closing the door.

As she reaches the two other occupants of the room, Uraraka looks worried. "Is it really alright if we apologize together?"

Bakugou sits back down in his seat and flings his legs onto his desk. He sneers, "Would I have agreed if I thought it fucking wasn't, Pink Cheeks? Get it the fuck over with, but it better be real and none of that fake apology bullshit."

The two nod rapidly. "Bakugou-kun—" they start simultaneously before looking at each other and blinking in surprise.

Bakugou sighs, and Uraraka nods to gather herself. "Bakugou-kun," she begins, uninterrupted by Hagakure. "This is all Hagakure, Mina, and my fault more than the others', so I am so sorry for what we did and my own actions in particular. It was very selfish, and I was jealous that the guys knew something I didn't. I shouldn't have listened in. It was terrible of me. I don't expect any forgiveness—" her voice cracks as her lip wobbles and some tears form in her eyes. Bakugou glances at her out of the corner of his eye but says nothing. "I don't expect any forgiveness, and you have every right to hate me. Again, I am so, so sorry," she finishes.

Uraraka's eyes turn down as she bites her lip and Hagakure speaks up from her side, Bakugou still silent. "I feel like my situation is even worse, to be honest. I know it is terrible of me now, but at the time I was just making excuses to find gossip. The others were still at least somewhat worried, but I wasn't being as aware of how you feel or what could have happened. It's selfish and unheroic, and I am sorry for what I did and what I heard. Like Uraraka said, we are some of the people who are most to blame, and I don't expect forgiveness because I know that what I did was unforgivable." Her invisible yet teary eyes turn downwards as well, and the two girls wait with bated breath as Bakugou continues to silently watch them through his side-eye like a form of well-earned torture.

After what feels like millennia, Bakugou sighs and rolls his eyes, looking out the window. "Great. You got your chore done. Dismissed."

The girls' eyes snap up in confusion. "Uh.... What?" Uraraka asks after a moment.

"Fuckin' dismissed," Bakugou repeats a tad bit more colorfully.

Uraraka bites her lip and looks towards Hagakure, both feeling supremely guilty, especially after not hearing words of forgiveness that they know that don't deserve but still hoped to hear.

With a tremulous sigh and trembling gloved hands, Hagakure turns to the door and begins to walk away, Uraraka trailing behind her.

A huff stops them in their steps and Bakugou groans. "Fuck, it's like I sentenced your dogs to death by volcano. It's fine. I know you feel bad, so fuck off with that guilt shit, it's okay."

Uraraka's eyes leak streams of tears and she turns her teary eyes towards Bakugou, who gets flustered as he sees the open emotions. "Bakugou, thank you," Uraraka cries as Hagakure begins to break down beside her.

Bakugou, with wide eyes, furrowed brows, and a grimace, exclaims, "Shut the fuck up and go away, then! Why the fuck are you crying?"

The girls nod rapidly and their lips pull upwards and scrunch together as they try in vain to stop crying as they turn away and swiftly evacuate the room.

Bakugou sighs and droops into his chair as the door closes behind the two. Two more down, three to go, if they other three even do anything, that is. He swings his legs off his desk and draws himself up into his usual confident posture.

He must admit, he is looking forward to Ashido's least of all.


I have mixed feelings on this one, but yeet. Sorry it took so long, I literally did almost all of this chapter the day I did the last one, but as soon as I got a little into Uraraka and Hagakure's apology I was like hmmmm is this how I want it to go? And when I get unsure I look at it for a bit, set it down, and wait like any other professional procrastinator.... So that's kinda what happened for so long lol, and then I did the rest today hahaha.


Word Count: 1902

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