1. December

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I stood frozen in my steps. They couldn't be here now?


What can I do? 

I started to look for some places too hide. I stopped. Why shouldn't I just face them?

" Niall !, open the bloddy door ! " 

They knew my name. Oh god they knew my name ! I ran to the kitchen to find something to hit them with, and I found this pan on the stove like it was ready for use. I took it up and walked slowly to the door.


The sweat ran down my for head like it was running away from my body. This was it. I opened the door, ready to hit some big guys who were coming to kill me but I stopped.

" Zayn ! What the hell man ?" I yelled. Zayn's eyes grew big when he saw that I was holding a pan, ready to hit him with it.

" Niall ! I can say the same ! What the hell?" 

Zayn came to visit me, just so be sure that I was fine. He asked about Marissa but I told him what I told Niall. She would be fine.


1. December.

Marissa's P.O.V

" I'm home ! " I heard Niall's voice. The guys were right. You usually heard Niall before you saw him.

" Hey " I said, sitting next to Liam watching Tom and Jerry. 

This is a bit confusing, so I'm gonna explain it for ya.

Well, I got out of rehab. Niall had been waiting for me all this time and he told me everything what has been happening. Accept one thing that he wont talk about with me, something about a message or phone...Anyways, I told Liam that I stayed with my friend that lived few hours away and I apologized to them all. It is still hard to stay away from heroin and all that, and I gotta quit smoking soon because no one ,accept Zayn, likes cigarettes. We live in this flat down town, near everything, school, shops, just name it ! Everybody goes to school accept me and Niall. I need a break, and I kinda don't have the money...Niall wants to stay with me the first 6 months after the rehab. I told him like million times that he could go but he refused. It is of course the best to have Niall home and we are madly in love. The worst thing is...

We haven't told anyone yet.

And we haven't....had sex yet. 

Niall wanted to wait untill we told anyone. I guess that is the right way to think it but sometimes I just really wanna jump on him when no one is around. It is very hard to control yourself because the guys could see us. He sneaks into my room at night because I don't have to share a bedroom with anyone. Niall and Liam are together and Harry and Louis, but Zayn sleeps in the end of the bedroom hallway. Don't think that it isn't cosy, it really is ! But sometimes Harry and Louis sleep there because Zayn needs bed to do his thing with the ladies. Poor them boys.

" Hey bab....Liam" Niall stopped when he saw Liam.

" Hey babe" Liam answered without taking his eyes of the big tv screen.

" What is he doing here?" Niall mouthed me.

" His teacher has a flu" I mouthed back and was still giggling of Liam's answer.

Niall looked frustrated. He wanted to be alone with me today while the guys were at school.

" What are you doing here so early? " Liam asked.

"My boss said that I could go home earlier...He likes the Christmas so he is all about giving vacations so we can be with our families. He still doesn't get it that my family is in Ireland" Niall said and went to the kitchen. Niall worked in a big restaurant few blocks away as a waiter.

" A CAKE ! " He yelled. His voice was full of eximent and Liam looked at me smiling.

" Told ya" I said and Liam rolled his eyes.

" Who baked?" Niall yelled from the kitchen.

" We did" Me and Liam said at the same time.

" I love you Payn's" Niall sat down in one of the chairs and joined us.

I was dying. I know it is very mean to say this but I wanted Liam to go so badly. 

Niall looked so sexy, sitting there with his hands crossed, always flipping his hair or biting his lower lip. Sweat from work. Oh god what is wrong with me?

" Alright children, time for pee" Liam said as he stood up. Niall looked at me grinning and jumped to me at the moment we heard Liam lock the door.

" I've wanted to do that since I came home" Niall said and kissed me. I sat on top of him, wrapping my hands around his neck, begging for more kisses.Niall laid his hand on my bottom, massaging it slowly while kissing me. 


Niall looked at me. We heard Liam whistle the Tom and Jerry theme song.

Niall threw me off him and jumped into his seat. I fixed my hair, just in time before Liam sat down.


I tried not too look at them and Niall did the same.

Liam looked at me and then Niall before he shook his head.

" Someones hungry? " Liam asked and looked at his watch.

" Always" Niall said, biting his nails.

" sure" I answered and kept looking down.

" I'll call the pizzeria" Liam said and stood up.

Niall gave me a look.

" That was close" He whispered. 

Save me from my own destruction- (Niall Horan)Book nr.1Where stories live. Discover now