7. December- The Christmas market

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Oh god Zayn ! Why did you have to come in my bedroom now? 


" Niall this isn't funny ! " I hit Niall on his bare chest but he couldn't stop laughing. I dressed myself and told Niall to do the same but he didn't. I walked out of the bedroom finding Zayn holding is head.

" What are you doing Zayn?" I asked but he didn't turn around. I turned on the lamp and saw that Zayn was only wearing boxer and a white T-shirt. What happened to PJ's ?

" I'm trying to get that image of you and Niall out of my head" He said.

" Zayn, it's not what it looks like..." 

" Marissa, you are blocking its way out ! "

" Whose?"

Zayn turned around.


" Zayn ! Calm down ! Liam is a sleep, do not wake him up or I will kill you" Zayn looked at Liam's bedroom door, we could hear him snoring.

Niall walked out of my room and stood next to me.

Zayn crossed his hands and took a look at us.

" How long?" He asked. Niall looked at me.

" Long.." Niall answered and Zayn nodded.

" I guess, you sneak out of the room every night to...yeah" Zayn rubbed his neck and shuffled on the spot.

" We haven't...." Niall said and Zayn nodded.

" Is this serious, between you two?" Zayn asked and pointed at us. I looked at Niall who took my hand.

" I would say so" He said to me. Zayn pretended vomiting. I rolled my eyes at him.

" But just don't tell anyone alright? I think that Liam isn't gonna take this well...." I begged Zayn.

" Oh c'mon guys ! You know that I don't like keeping secrets" Zayn whined.

" Oh we know" Niall whispered. He was talking about how Zayn shares everything, from his family issues to what he does in the bedroom. I think he even has a scrap book of all the girls he has slept with.

" Please Zayn ! I'm begging you" 

Zayn waited for few seconds.

" Alright then" He said and Niall smiled.

" But as long as I don't have to cover anything for you....I'm not gonna say " I'm Zayn and I'm disgusting" ! I've seen friends ya know? I'm not Joey here ! " Zayn was like he was freaking out.

Save me from my own destruction- (Niall Horan)Book nr.1حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن