Written in the stars.

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Niall's P.O.W


"And for the record, I don't need you anymore, you are nothing to me"

Her voice started to echo in my head " I don't need you, you are nothing to me"

She looked at the door, and I knew that the guys were standing there. They talked but I didn't hear anything.

I meant nothing to her? I felt like falling on the ground and never stand up again.

" I mean nothing to you?" My voice was cracking and I found the tears fill up in the corner of my eyes.

I felt Liam wrap his arm around me and helped me go inside. I heard their voices but still, her words were stronger and they were covering the other voices.Without any warning I found her cold hands touch mine, but I pushed her little away.

"Don't touch me" I hissed without looking at her. I was surprise that my voice did that but still. Liam slammed the door behind us and he told me to sit down. I stared right infront of me. The boys did the same, accept for Zayn who was swearing and walking back and forth. Louis stared out of the window.

" What happened to her?" He suddenly said. Liam shook his head.

" I don't know, but she said that she didn't need us anymore so that's not our business anymore is it Louis?" Harry said and glared at Louis who looked away.

" Niall?" Liam shook my shoulder and I looked at him.

" She didn't mean it" He whispered. I looked him in the eyes without saying a word. She didn't mean it? She sure said that she was done with our friendship, and he is defending her ? I stood up and wiped the tears that fell down when I moved. I didn't want them to see me cry. 

" I think that we should stay here together, one night" Harry said when he had calm down a bit.

" Yeah" Liam said and sat down. I went to the bathroom and locked myself in. I looked into the mirror. Marissa. My Marissa. She was always so full of life, wearing colour full clothes, that would probably look stupid on other people but fit her so well, and her light brown long wavy hair, and her big brown eyes, and her big smile. Now black clothes, and her light brown hair looked so dead, and her big brown eyes looked like she had never slept in her life, and her smile...Haven't seen it for 7 weeks. I think that I've never felt so much pain in my heart before. Those words cut like a knife. 

I sat down on the toilet and hided my face in my hands. I had been in that position for 10 minuets and Louis had knocked on my door few times but I had ignored him, when my phone beeped.

Just Marissa:"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean anything... Please meet me at the bus station that's near Harry's house, please"

I could hear her voice saying that. I stared at the phone. Maybe I could tell the guys that I was gonna take a walk. Needed to clear my head. I stood up, finding me sweating everywhere. I looked at the mirror and told myself that this was gonna be alright. I took a deep breath and saw the boys almost falling asleep over a movie. They all still looked upset and I bet none of them were really paying attention to the movie.

" I'm gonna take a walk" I mumbled and none of them looked around. Zayn waved his hand in the air to give me a sign that they were okey with it. I zipped up the hoodie and felt the cold fresh air hit my face gently when I opened the door. I walked and walked, thinking what I would say to her when I met her. I didn't stop untill I came to the bus station. I heard sobbing and saw Marissa sitting on the bench with her face in her hands. Seeing her crying broke my heart and I wanted to run to her and feel her in my arms but I couldn't move. I just stared at her few meters away from her. I knew that she wouldn't notice me.

Suddenly she stood up and walked to the little station. Should I follow her?

I waited for a while and started walking when she disappeared in the house. When I opened the door I saw one fat man sleeping in the little lobby and on the right I saw the bathroom. Maybe she was in there. I heard her cough. Slowly I took the doorknob. I opened the door.

It felt like someone had took a bucket full of icy cold water and slashed it in my face and then took a big knife and thrust it in my stomach. I felt like I needed to vomit but I couldn't move. 

Marissa was sitting on the floor, her head leaned to the wall, covered in blood, eyes closed and a needle thrust in her arm that had many marks on it. I gasped.

Marissa opened her eyes.

She closed them.

It was like reality hit me and I slammed the door behind me and ran to her. The vomit feeling was still there, but I had other things to do. I took the needle and put it in my pocket. I was shaking but I could lift her up. I kicked the door open and the fat man in the lobby jumped up in his seat.

" What happened?" He asked sleepy. I didn't answer, I ran with Marissa all the way to Harry's house. I laid her gently down on the grass as I ran inside but stopped quickly when I realized that the guys were in there. They couldn't know. None of them.

I slowly opened the door and heard snoring. They had all fallen asleep. I looked around and saw my uncle car keys wanted me to have his car while he was away. I grabbed them and a bottle of water and sneaked out again. When I had closed the door I ran to Marissa. I lifted her up, opened the car and laid her in the backseat. I drove off. Far away. 

I didn't stop untill we were hour away. I stepped out of the car and in the backseat to Marissa, who was opening her eyes. 

" Water" She whispered and I grabbed the water bottle and opened it. She took it and drank.

I ran my fingers through my hair, finally realizing what really happened.

" You came" She said few minuets later. I looked at her in the mirror and her eyes were full with tears. I wanted to slap her, shake her and yell at her, but seeing her so weak, I couldn't.

" Please don't tell Liam" She whispered and tears begun to stream down her face.

I looked at her but it hurt so bad that I got out of the car and slammed the door. I leaned up to the car and looked up to the stars. 

At that  moment I wished that I was one of them. So high that no one could reach me. Far away.

But Marissa needed me and at the moment I was the one who knew her secret.It was my job to protect her from Ethan, ofcourse it was him that made her do this. I had to get her away from him and help her without Liam finding out. He would lose it. Now, it's my job. It was like written in the stars. 

So obvious.

Save me from my own destruction- (Niall Horan)Book nr.1Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora