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I looked at the pink clock that was on one of the wall. 3' o clock. My parents must be at work and Jason was at kinder garden. Where was Liam? I got out of bed, and I had the feeling like I was on a boat. Going up and down. I ran to the bathroom and...you know the rest. I flushed down and found my toothbrush in the blue glass that was on the sink. I looked like shit. I was pale in the face and had mascara all over. When I was done I saw Ethan's phone number on my arm. Should I write it down? Before I took a long hot shower to get last night of my shoulders , I wrote Ethan's number down and hid the note under my pillow.

" Hello ?" I heard Liam's voice shout when I stepped out of the shower. I wrapped a big red towel around me and went out. I saw Liam and Harry walking into the kitchen so I followed.

" Wow" Liam said when he saw me. " You just got out of bed like, 40 minuets ago..." Liam said and looked at his watch. 

"Gee thanks for noticing" I said and sat down infront of Harry who laughed. Liam smiled and took a burger out of one of the bags he was carrying.

" Thought that you were hungry" He said and handed me the burger.

" Extra cheese?" I asked and took the hamburger , not to fast, out of Liam's hand. He rolled his eyes.

" How about, Thank you Liam I love you?" 

I waited for him to answer my last question. Liam rolled his eyes.

" Of course extra cheese" He said and I stood up to kiss him on the cheek. " But this is not an award for what you did last night ! I know you didn't do anything wrong , accept wearing that dress" 

I giggled and ran to my bed room to switch clothes. It was time for yoga pants and Liam's big sweater. I but my hair in a big messy bun and went back to the kitchen to eat the delicious burger that my best brother gave me.

" You like hamburges don't you?" Harry said after been watching me working on the burger. 

" What? I was starving ! " I said and licked some sauce that got on my fingers. Liam laughed.

" Want coke?" He asked and I nodded.

" Like brother, like sister" Harry  suddenly said and before Liam handed me the coke bottle, he hit Harry in the head with it.

" Hey ! " Harry said and rubbed his head. 

" So" I said and finished the last bite. " What are you gonna do today?"

The school just finished so we have nothing to do. I have to get a job soon.

" I don't know, maybe get a summer job? Hey ! " Harry suddenly stood up. 

" I totally forgot, Liam, Louis was thinking, when the scool starts again he needs roommates..." Harry said and grinned. Liam smiled.

" That's a pretty good idea ! " Liam said and Harry was like : " I KNOW ! " For an hour.

" Hey ! " I said disappointed and interrupted their happiness hugging.

" What about me? You can't just leave me in this hole" I said and looked around. Actually, this was a beautiful house, but I was talking about mom and dad.

" Maybe this is a good time for you to rebound your relationship with them" Liam said. He knew who I was talking about, then he turned to Harry and they started planning. 

" We should get together tonight" Harry suggested. He was talking about the 5 of them. I walked sad in my room and slammed the door behind me. I can't believe that he is leaving me here ! I know that I would maybe miss Jason and my old room but....I need to get away. And our parents have lots of money so the rent wouldn't be a problem...Or I could just start working. I woke up by my thoughts when I heard Jason's laugh. My mom and Jason were home. Suddenly my mom came into my room with out knocking.

Save me from my own destruction- (Niall Horan)Book nr.1Where stories live. Discover now