"Greetings Emperor's Disciple." Zhang Renjie and Han Qing both greeted as they came to a stop in front of Liu Rui.

Liu Rui smiled and nodded at Zhang Renjie and Han Qing, returning their greetings. He then said, "Ancestor Zhang Renjie and Ancestor Han Qing need not stand on ceremony."

At this time, Wu Tianhe and other Grandmist Emperor Palace's disciples all knelt on one knee in salute, "Greetings to the Emperor's Disciple!"

Liu Ruo had Wu Tianhe and everyone stand as his gaze silently swept over the people in the square. His Master had ordered him to pick up Huang Xiaolong. He had felt shocked the entire time as he had rushed over there.

His Master had actually told him to be respectful to Huang Xiaolong!

Liu Rui had heard of the Fortune Emperor Palace's Huang Xiaolong before this, someone who has a king of supreme godhead like himself. But what was this Huang Xiaolong's relationship with his Master? To the extent that his Master had ordered him to come greet Huang Xiaolong!

However, his Master had not elaborated, and he had not dared to ask.

After scanning the faces in the crowd, Liu Rui's gaze finally fell on Huang Xiaolong, and his eyes narrowed. He hesitated briefly before approaching Huang Xiaolong.

Zhang Renjie, Han Qing, Wu Tianhe, Brightness Emperor Palace's Peng Xingfei, as well as other Emperor Palace's experts watched with confusion and doubt.

In a few moments, Liu Rui reached Huang Xiaolong, and asked very politely, "You are the Fortune Emperor Palace's Huang Xiaolong?"

Zheng Renjie, Han Qing, and the others' couldn't believe their eyes watching Liu Rui's courteous manner. What's going on here?! Could it be...?!

"I am Huang Xiaolong." Huang Xiaolong nodded at Liu Rui.

Hearing Huang Xiaolong's affirmation, Liu Rui was even more courteous and respectful as he explained, "Master has ordered me to greet you."

"What?!" Everyone was dumbstruck with disbelief as they stared at Huang Xiaolong and Liu Rui.

What did Liu Rui just say? Master? Ordered him to come greet Huang Xiaolong?!

The Grandmist Emperor actually ordered his personal disciple to greet Huang Xiaolong personally!

Th-this.... Can someone tell them what the heck is going on here?!

Wu Tianhe, Peng Xingfei, and several others were agape. Wu Tianhe was especially dumbfounded by the baffling scene, his mind went blank with hazy gray clouds in the horizon.

Huang Xiaolong was really connected to their Grandmist Emperor! Not the usual shallow connection!

At this point, he finally realized that the cow was telling the truth when she had said that Huang Xiaolong had come to see their Emperor! Huang Xiaolong had not come over to worship! Huang Xiaolong had come under their Emperor's invitation!

Otherwise, their Emperor's Disciple wouldn't have come to greet Huang Xiaolong personally!

"I want to go see your Master, but I'm afraid they won't agree." Huang Xiaolong wasn't surprised hearing Liu Rui said his Master had ordered him to greet him. He concisely summarized the situation as he looked at Wu Tianhe, Han Qing, and a few others.

Initially, Huang Xiaolong had planned to ignore Wu Tianhe, Han Qing, and the others, but these people's attitudes had been overly aggressive just now.

Huang Xiaolong was no saint, and he was annoyed by these people.

Liu Rui blanked for a second. He followed Huang Xiaolong's line of gaze and saw Wu Tianhe, Han Qing and several others, and creases wrinkled his smooth forehead. He asked Wu Tianhe, "Wu Tianhe, what is going on here?!"

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