46 | awake

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          THE MOVIES DIDN'T DO JUSTICE to what it really felt like to wake up wrapped in the arms of someone who was holding their smile while pretending that they weren't watching you. Brie rolled her eyes when she fluttered them open and saw Ollie shut his lids as fast as he could. It was comedic how he even went as far as faking his snores. Yet despite the humor in it, Brie's heart burned with tenderness for the boy with dimples.

It was a cold morning, and they huddled together underneath the little comfort her duvet could provide them, and even if they were both in sweatshirts, both of them were shivering.

Last night had been amazing, and although it wasn't as hot as she thought it would be—ideologies, heavily influenced by high school dramas and movies—she still very much enjoyed the feel of Ollie's fingers slotted between hers as they ate slices of Pepperoni pizza and laughed at an episode of New Girl.

Brie tried to recall how she fell asleep last night with her still very much groggy head, but the memory was vague and cloudy.

With a grin, she poked his nose as the gentle sunlight of the early hours of the morning filtered through her windows. "I saw you by the way, so you might want to stop sleep-faking."

Ollie almost choked on another one of his fake snores but didn't budge. Instead, he snuggled even closer to Brie and made louder snores.

Resist as much as her thoughts could, her heart won by a mile when she chose to hug him back. "It's almost six in the morning, you know. They'll wake up soon and even if Hugh-dad likes you, I bet he'd throw you out."

He snorted, still very much holding onto his act.

"It's true!"

He popped one eye open. The blue color of his irises looked lighter in the morning and the beauty of him right next to her in her bed tugged at her heart. "Then we can just say that we'll get married tomorrow so they wouldn't kill me."

Tempting. "Or we could start getting ready for school. I'm gonna go and shower and you can climb down your ladder, Prince Charming."

Ollie scoffed then proceeded to stretch his lean torso. A teasing line of his skin was exposed when he stretched out his arms and yawned, and god was it hot; too hot for a cold morning, but her hormones thought otherwise. Her mind was suddenly filled with thoughts that she was afraid to admit. Dangerous scenes played her head as her eyes traveled the length of his body on her bed. Maybe they could – god, no.

"Right," Brie said, climbing out of bed in haste. She almost stumbled and Ollie whipped his head to her in concern. There was teasing smile on his face which made her cheeks flush red. "I'm alright! I'm alright! I'm just gonna go shower. Er... make yourself comfortable or go home."

She didn't bother waiting around for his reply as she bolted straight to her bathroom and shut the door with a sigh. How embarrassing. She was just kissed twice and yet her hormones were already buzzing like bees at a blooming garden. It didn't make sense to feel like this, because even if she liked people back then, she didn't have this much urge to have them close to her—much less do scandalous things with them.

Maybe she could blame teenage hormones or maybe her brain was still coming to its senses after hours of sleep. Ugh, she was starting to become crazy.

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