36 | friend

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Crying wasn't an option for Brie when she met Paula at the almost-empty parking lot a little later after school ended. Her friend was leaning against her car, bright smile on as she tapped eagerly on her sparkly phone. Each smile that was as bright as her yellow crop-top was rewarded by another ping that made Paula grin wider.

It had been quite some time since Brie saw her this happy, and it tugged at her heart in an achingly pleasant way. Paula deserved the world and even if she herself wasn't lucky in the love department, it still felt good that her best friend was doing okay.

The brightness that was radiating from Paula dimmed to its dullest when she spotted Brie. Paula pushed herself off her Beetle, brows furrowed as she walked over to her in fast and determined steps. Brie knew she looked like a mess. She had been crying in-between classes and had tried to avoid seeing Paula or any of her friends for the whole day—especially Xander, god, how she was scared to see him.

Seeing Xander would only make her cry harder or would prompt her to punch him. He was so confusing, almost more confusing than Ollie and it was driving her insane. Why was he even sending her letters when she didn't even bother replying to them? What was he trying to prove? Did he want his girlfriend to come for her like she did earlier?

But all hiding must come to an end and even if there was nothing more that Brie wanted than to head home without being asked what was wrong, she couldn't really walk home. Paula had always been her ride and the bus was always filled with people who were either friends with Izzy or Mo or worse, both of them.

Brie tried to smile at Paula despite the pain in her shoulder blade. It took quite a hit against the wall when Izzy pushed her, but she still tried to smile even if it was a chore to do so, especially when her eyes were puffy and sore. 

"Allergies," she blurted her answer to Paula's question without thinking, "I think I inhaled some pollen earlier today."

Paula gave her a confused look then proceeded to grab some wipes from her backpack. She handed them to her and Brie began to wipe her face, only to feel her skin burn at its cold touch. Nope. Her face was too sore for any more contact.

Paula was instantly worried. "That bad? Does your face hurt? Your eyes look swollen. I didn't even know you're allergic to pollen."

That was because she wasn't, but Paula didn't need to know that right now. They just needed to go home; she wanted to go home.

Brie shrugged. Pain shot through her shoulder and she fought the grimace that threatened to crack on her face. It felt as if needles were embedded on her skin and dragged down to leave long and thin wounds. 

"Yeah, I guess we should head home so I can rest."

Paula looked a little less convinced. Her gray eyes swept over her face with concern and clear question. They flicked over her shoulder which she tried to soothe down with a quick rub, then back at her face again. Brie tried to look calm, secretly hoping that Paula would just drop it. Please, she begged with her eyes, breath suspended under her friend's intense scrutiny. Relief came to her when Paula nodded and began to lead them to her car.

That was when they saw Simon who was just about to enter his truck that was parked across them. Brie saw how Paula froze. The two didn't share a class together except the same free period and lunch, and every time that happened, Paula made sure to stay as far away from him. With the way Simon avoided her as much, it was evident that he too felt the need for them to stay away from each other.

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