38 | hugs

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Brie bolted upright at the sound of someone hissing her name. Alarmed, she immediately scanned her dark room as her heart beat accelerated. Her instinct told her to run to Hugh and ask for help, but her body failed to move even a quarter of an inch. She stayed in bed and her heart felt like it was on its way to exploding. It drummed heavily against her chest, slowly, steady, accelerating as she felt her feet start to turn cold. The room was empty, and she doubted any sane person would be in her room at midnight, but then she heard it again.

"Brie, hey."

What the...

Her head whipped around to her window and she saw Ollie waving at her, his forehead pressed close to her window. He was in a dark jacket, holding onto her windowsill for dear life with bags of takeaway slung over his arms. Brie sat in her bed with her mouth wide open, sleepy eyes blinking at the boy whose blonde hair glinted under the moonlight.

Her heart didn't slow down a bit.

Of all the times that Ollie made her heart skip a beat and her mouth dry, this was probably the most heart pounding and nerve-wracking experience. It wasn't everyday that a girl would be woken up by a handsome guy with a very pretty smile outside her window. Yet here she was, in her own personal pocketbook moment, staring dumbly at Ollie with no coherent thoughts in her head aside from two: she missed him, and; he looked so charming.

Ollie tapped her window with a sheepish smile on his face. His voice was muffled by the glass, but she could still understand him. "Um, Brie, could you please open the window? My hands are really aching."

She blinked again.


"Oh! Sorry."

She pulled open the window and helped him with the bags of what appeared to be still warm burgers and fries. She smiled.

"Why would you get burgers this late?"

Ollie slipped through her window with ease and landed on her floor with a silent thud. He looked cold. His cheeks were pinker than usual and so were his lips...

Brie immediately looked away.

"Then why is McDonald's open for 24-hours if it's socially unacceptable for me to get one this late?" he cooly said, crouching down to take off his shoes. He then placed them right next to her sneakers and plopped down her bed. "God, I'm exhausted."

"How did you even get up my window? Did you climb it?" It was a good fifteen feet and Brie doubted that Ollie climbed it with his bare hands. She knew he was athletic, but he couldn't fly either.

"I borrowed Dad's ladder and his truck."

"And he let you go in the middle of the night?"

Ollie snorted, placing an arm over his eyes. "Okay. I stole it. We both know I'm not as much of a good boy as Xander. Not my style."

Brie couldn't see half of his face, but the sight of his cute nose and lips were teasing her as she stood in front of his lying figure. It felt too intimate—the both of them in such a quiet space while everyone was sleeping and time seemed irrelevant and long. She shook her head when she saw that he was in his pajamas. He probably did this in a rush, or he thought it'd make things easier. That was when she realized that she too was in her sleepwear. A cream, cotton dress with yellow flowers and without any bra. Eyes wide, she rushed to place the food down and to find a jacket.

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