~Chapter Sixteen~

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It felt like a fever dream, laughing and playing hand games with Hisoka.

The man you saw dissipate another man's limbs because he bumped into him, was now sitting next to you, pulling rock as you pulled scissors.

The guy who you were so afraid of, yet felt so safe with, was giggling as he effortlessly beat you every time.

The clown who murdered without blinking, had cried in front of you, and asked you if you were his friend.

Never would you have thought that when you walked into the Hunter Exam, you would find friends at all, let alone three.

Something about it felt surreal, like you weren't really supposed to feel happy, and light. It felt like most of the weight from your chest was lifted off and forgotten about, and it made you worry.

You felt that you couldn't be so carefree without a large downfall.

Brushing that worry away, you stood up and made your way over to the bridge, where you crossed back onto land and then promptly onto the airship.

From a glance, you guessed there were around ten people who made it to the last phase.

Blowing a breath you didn't know you were holding, you sat down on a chair you found on the airship and began mulling over what you thought the last phase could be.

Thinking about it, you knew that it couldn't be anything like the last phases. They had to cut some people from the applicant pool, as less than ten people usually passed.

Concluding that it had to be some sort of player versus player fight, your anxiety kicked in. The absolute last thing you would want would to have to fight one of your friends, but the odds of that were pretty high.

Over the loud speaker, the Chairman announced that he would be having individual meetings with all of the applicants, Hisoka being the first.

After a little wait, your name was called, and you made your way towards the Chairman's office.

Nerves eating at your stomach, you knocked on the door.

"Come in!" the Chairman said rather cheerfully.

"Please, make yourself comfortable." you took a seat on the other side of his desk, waiting for him to continue.

"I just have a few questions, mostly to satisfy my own curiosity." 

You furrowed your eyebrows, preparing to answer whatever question he may have.

"To start with, why do you want to become a Hunter?"

"Oh well um," you had to think for a moment. Why did you want to become a Hunter? What were your motives?

You knew you wanted to avenge Kiri, therefore you wanted to take down the mafia. You also wanted to add a feminine touch to the applicant pool, as the applicants are usually mostly male.

"I guess for all the perks it comes with. The insider information, the travelling, you know?" you replied.

"Hmph. Moving onto the next question, out of the other nine applicants, which one are you keeping a close eye on?"

"I think it would have to be numbers 405 and 99, Gon and Killua. We'eve grown somewhat close, and I don't want them to get hurt."

"Well, one last question and we're done. Which of the other nine remaining applicants would you least want to fight?"

"Again sir, numbers 405 and 99. Also number 44, Hisoka. I think he's way more powerful than he's letting on. I am also acquainted with 404 and 403, Kurapika and Leorio, so I'd rather not cause any issue with them either." you replied again, watching as the Chairman painted your responses onto a piece of paper.

"Thank you very much. That will be all then." 

Getting up, you respectfully bowed and left the room. 

The second the door closed, you let out a breath you didn't know you were holding. Now that you knew the last phase would be a fight of some sort, all you could do now was hope that you weren't pinned up against any of your friends.

Time seemed to go in slow motion as you were waiting for the airship to arrive to where ever it was taking you.

The nerves becoming parasitic, you decided to go on a walk to try and calm yourself down. On your walk, you saw Gon and Killua arguing over a piece of candy. Their innocence never ceased to bring a smile to your face.

Of course, you knew Killua had been through such a rough childhood, much like your own, and it brought you joy to know that Gon had taught him how to be a child again.

"Hey old lady! Why are you smiling like that? It's creepy!" Killua yelled at you.

"Old?! Who you callin old you brat?!" you yelled back, chasing after a now fearful Killua.

You played with the two boys until the airship landed, and a voice came over the announcement system, letting the passengers know that they had arrived.

After getting off the ship, you and everyone else were informed that you were in a hotel used for the Hunter Exams.

The Chairman then went on to explain how the fighting would work. Each person was pinned against someone the Chairman chose, using the information that he gathered. He then explained that the fighting would work so the losing person was the one who surrendered first. Everyone had three attempts to win, meaning only one person would lose. You were not allowed to knock out your opponent, if you did then the opponent would win automatically. If you killed your opponent, you would be immediately disqualified.

'Simple rules, right?' you thought while bouncing your leg, apprehension filling your body. 

The Chairman then pulled the cloth off of the board he was standing in front of, revealing who everyone would be fighting.

'Well this should be interesting...'

A/N: this chapter is not the best i know, but i've had writers block the past couple days and didn't want to post something horrible just to post, so i didn't. please vote and comment who you want (y/n) to fight, i haven't decided yet! criticism is always welcomed and appreciated!

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