~Chapter Twelve~

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Your eyes slowly opening, you groaned not wanting to leave the comfort of you sleep. Coming to your senses, you realized that you were curled up in a ball, you head resting in Hisoka's lap. You two were still the only ones in the waiting room.

"How much time is left for the phase?" you asked him yawning and stretching your arms up.

"63 hours, my dear~"

You huffed, throwing your chin in your hands like a child, and watched Hisoka play with his cards. Him noticing, he quickly took half the deck and made it disappear.

"Woah! Can you show me how to do that?" you said, eyes lighting up like a kid at a fair.

Entertained with your reaction, Hisoka attempted to show you the card trick, but no matter how many times you tried it, you always dropped the cards before you had the chance to shove them up your sleeve.

Frustrated, you gave up.

"Giving up already, my dear fruit?~" he asked, entertained by your childish antics.

"Dude it's not my fault my hands aren't as big as yours! My fingers just aren't long enough! It's been rigged against me from the start!"

"Here, let me show you a little trick..."

Putting his hands over yours, he guided your fingers to move the cards slowly and smoothly, and carefully pulled the cards up your sleeve. You watched his hands gracefully maneuver the cards, each movement careful and calculated. You noticed how big his hands actually were, a small pool of heat gathering in your stomach.

Once the trick was done, he didn't let go. Turning to look in his eyes, the two of you stared at each other, completely captured in each other's gaze.

Not really knowing how long the two of you stayed like that, you only broke eye contact when the door slid open, revealing Gittarackur who bobbled his way in, ignoring the two of you.

"Gittarakur, applicant 302, is the third to pass. Time elapsed, twelve hours and two minutes." the automated voice announced.

Quickly scooting yourself away from Hisoka, a subtle blush crept across your cheeks. Trying to think about anything over what just happened, you suddenly remembered about Hisoka's wounds.

Gasping you turned to him and started ripping a sleeve off your sweatshirt.

He looked at you confused, before you moved closer to him and carefully started wrapping the fabric around the laceration on his shoulder, careful not to add too much pressure.

Ripping the other sleeve off, you did the same to the wound on his side. Satisfied with your work, you grabbed the jester's cards and shuffled them to play a game of solitaire.

Leaning forward, you started placing the cards on the ground. Not a word had been spoken since Gittarackur had come into the room.

"Fuck I lost..." you mumbled, looking down at the cards to see if you had any options. 

When you were about to pick up the cards to shuffle them again, Hisoka silently moved the five of spades to the spades' pile, revealing the ace of hearts that you needed to continue.

Slightly embarrassed for not seeing this simple move, you finished that game and went on to start another.

You won a couple games on your own, but majority of them, Hisoka quietly came in and helped you win. Actually, thanks to him you never lost.

You couldn't explain the feelings you had towards him now. It used to be anger and disgust. Being intrigued by him was always there, but during the time you had spent with him in this waiting room, you had come to realize that he wasn't who you thought he was. 

This silent comradeship had you questioning his motives. Of course, you couldn't ask him what they were as he didn't fully know himself.

He knew that when he first met you, your beauty and ominous power drew him in, making him want to fight, and ultimately beat and kill you. But now, seeing you get frustrated at the simple card game so easily, he realized that he didn't want you to not be around anymore. He did still want to fight you, and make you use your nen ability, but he couldn't see himself ending your life, watching the life drain from your eyes as you gave your all to a fight you had no hope of winning, didn't seem to turn him on like it usually does.

He was still figuring you out as he watched you walk over to Gittarackur with the deck of cards in your hand.

"Want to play crazy eights with me?" you asked the man with pins in his face.

"Ok," he bobbled.

Shuffling the cards and dealing them out, you could feel Hisoka's intent glare on your back. Trying to figure out why he was leaking a blood lust, you quickly won the round against Gittarackur.

You beat him again and again, and with the little conversation he held, you got bored and went back to where Hisoka was.

"Why didn't you ask me to play, (y/n)-chan?~" faking hurt in his voice.

"Because you always win," you said, attaining a small smile from him.

Oh how right you are, my little fruit. A creepy grin inched it's way onto his face.

"Oi. Wipe that look off your face. We're playing crazy eights," you told him, snapping him out of his daydream.

The cards having already been dealt, he picked up his hand and so did you. Going back and fourth for a while, you could tell he was going to win, so you placed the eight you had been shamelessly hiding in your sleeve from your game with Gittarackur, rendering Hisoka powerless against your tactic.

Giggling like a toddler, you said to him, "I won! Hahaha! I beat the clown at his own game!"

"But you cheated..." he pouted.

"Who said cheating wasn't allowed, my dear Hisoka-chan~?" you threw his own sickly sweet tone back at him.

The way you said his name gave a tug on his heartstrings. He hated yet welcomed the new feeling.

Grabbing the wrist of the hand you were using the pick up the cards, glee still evident on your face, he shamelessly lunged so he was on top of you, pinning you to the ground, the cards dramatically splaying out behind you.

"You should really watch your tone dear~" he spoke deeply. "It gives me all the wrong feelings..."

Sputtering, not being able to form a coherent sentence, another applicant came through the door, giving you and Hisoka an odd look, but brushing past it when Hisoka quickly glared at him.

Feeling like prey under the predator's claws, you didn't dare move a muscle. He slowly leaned more over you, reaching over top of your head, retrieving the cards from behind you. His scent invading your nose and clouding your thoughts, you waited until this painful pleasure was over.

His actions always seemed to have your heart pumping with fear, but your core filling with excitement.

Once he was finished collecting the cards, he got off of you and started playing with them again. You sat up and watched him in a dull silence. 

What is this clown doing to me?

A/N: this chapter is edited. 

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