~Chapter Three~

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Once you had finished the first phase, you had decided to go and meet Gon's friends, as the proverbial cat had already been let out of the bag.

To make a long story short, you had met the two other boys you had seen in the harbour, the blonde boy whose name was Kurapika, and the taller man who was wearing the suit whose name was Leorio. You had also met a young boy whose hair was almost white, named Killua. He looked about the same age as Gon, and was the exact same height.

You, and your four newfound friends had been waiting just beyond the exit of the tunnel, possibly for the rest of the applicants to arrive. You were all waiting in a thick fog, and from what you could see, the group was in front of a marsh of some sort. Satotz explained that everyone was situated in front of the Milsy Wetlands, the wetlands full of deception and creatures that would constantly try to trick you, with the motive of eating you.

You had dealt with risky creatures like this in your past, so it was no big deal to you, although you had seen some applicants become very apprehensive for the challenges that laid ahead.

Having tuned back into whatever psychological damage Satotz was trying to instill, you listened as he said, "If you're deceived, you'll surely die." This definitely caused the applicants to become more on edge than ever.

The door to the tunnel started to close, and a rather pitiful man came running up the stairs, falling as he yelled, "Wait for me!" You almost felt bad for the guy.

"These wetland creatures are not to be underestimated, for they will use every trick in the book to fool their prey," Satotz continued, disregarding the crowds unease. "This is an ecosystem in which all creatures hunt by the art of deception, and that is why it is also known as Swindlers Swamp. Now then, please follow me closely so you won't be deceived."

"Don't fall for it!" a man yelled. You turned to see who had interrupted Satotz, who you had already taken a great liking to. You saw a rather disheveled man holding something you couldn't quite see.

"Don't let them fool you. He's lying. That man is lying to you!" The random man continued, pointing at Satotz. 

"He's an impostor!" Ok, this guy was totally on your nerves now. "A total fraud. I'm the real examiner you got it?" He yelled, pointing at himself.

Really? Who's actually going to believe this guy? The applicants can't be that stupid. 

You looked around, seeing all the distrusting faces. Can they?

"I'll prove it, look at this!" The man then pulls out what he was holding, the arm of a dead, maybe unconscious creature that resembled Satotz, but had the body of a skinny ape.

"This is the man faced ape from the Milsy Wetlands," he continued rather gravely.

The dramatics of these people are beyond me.

"The man faced ape loves the taste of human flesh, but their limbs are really long and thin, so they're actually quite weak. That's why they disguise themselves as humans. They trick us into following them into the wetlands, where they work together with other creatures to kill and eat us. That's what he wants!" The man pointed at Satotz again. "To deceive the entire hunter applicant pool, and feast on everyone of you!"

Someone please kill this guy. You would've done it yourself, but you didn't want people finding out a single thing about your abilities.

As if someone had read your mind, three playing cards hit the man, two in the chest, one in the head, all piercing his body. Three playing cards had also been thrown at Satotz, who had caught them with no effort at all.

Hisoka giggled while shuffling his cards. Of course it was him. You rolled your eyes. He was having too much fun with this.

"I see, I see," The magician said. "That settles it then. So you are the real one." He was looking at Satotz holding his cards.

The man faced ape suddenly got up and ran away, your hunch being correct.

"The examiners are hunters," Hisoka explained to the perplexed applicants. "Each is handpicked by the exam committee, to do this job without pay. Anyone who holds the title we're vying for ourselves, could have deflected that attack, and quite easily I might add."

There was something about this man that was so intriguing, and whenever he spoke, you found yourself in a trance listening, watching.

"I shall take that as a compliment, thank you," Satotz said. "Still, should you choose to attack me again for any reason, I will have no choice but to report you for attacking an examiner and have you immediately disqualified. Is that clear?"

"Of course~" Hisoka responded.

The pink haired man then looked up at you, piercing your (e/c) eyes with his golden ones. You cursed yourself for getting caught staring, again, but you just couldn't rip your eyes off of the man, which only made him smirk, no doubt raising his confidence.

Satotz made it abundantly clear, for the dense headed people you had to have assumed, that if you lost sight of him in the fog, then you had no hope of finding the sight of the second phase, and little chance for survival at all. With that, he started his little toy soldier run off into the fog, with the applicants trying their hardest to keep up.

You had no endurance issues, and very sharp eyes, but even you found it hard to keep track of where he was. There were creatures who resembled people luring some applicants to run off cliffs, while other applicants stepped on mushrooms that sprout poisonous toxins.

You had started by running with Gon, Killua, Kurapika and Leorio, but a few minutes in and you had no idea where anybody was. You ran for about five minutes, through the mud and thick fog, ruining your favourite pair of sneakers. As you were looking down at the perfectly ruined sight, you were not expecting for anyone to be around, so when you ran headfirst into someone, you fell right on your ass.

"Ah- oh sorry! Hehe, I didn't realize you were the-" you looked up to see a tall, buff, and angry looking man, with a slight twinge of humour on his face.

"Well well well fellas what do we have here?" he said, looking you up and down.

Was this one of the bozos staring at me from the tunnel?

You looked around to see at least six other men, all who looked very strong (and who were wearing the same clothes), wielding weapons surrounding a slightly amused looking Hisoka.

"Hey! Isn't that the girl Hisoka was running with?" one of the brutes said.

Congratulations Sherlock Holmes, you solved it!

"Yeah it is! What do we do with her boss? She's probably friends with this clown!" another one yelled at the man you bumped into.

You had a bad feeling in your gut, and your instincts told you to run, but you knew you couldn't leave Hisoka behind. Even though you don't really like him, it wasn't right to leave a man pinned against six armed ones, so you stayed frozen where you stood. In hindsight, not moving further away from the "boss" was probably not the smartest, as what he did next was definitely not good.

A/N: this chapter is edited.

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