~Chapter Nineteen~

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this chapter is 100% dedicated to @_LivLivLivy_

After scolding Gon for acting so dangerous, and then applauding him for never breaking his will, you parted ways as he, Leorio, and Kurapika went to find Killua after he left to go home, you and the three boys said your goodbyes, for now.

As much as you wanted to find Killua and make sure he was ok, you had promised yourself that the moment you got your Hunters License, you would hunt down the Mafia Dons and kill them all, and then find out and kill the henchmen that assaulted Kiri.

Making a mental note to meet up with the four again after you completed your vengeance, you waved and watched them walk towards their destination: the Zoldyck Estate.

Sighing contently, you turned to walk the other direction, the nearest public library, with your own personal clown tailing behind you with a happy smile on his face.


"Yes my dear?"

"Tell me why you are so far behind me and walking silently like a body guard or something?"

His smile brightened, and he quickly adjusted his stride so he could catch up with you.

Now, he was walking beside you, in complete silence again.



"Why are you silent?"

"Well my dear (y/n)-chan, what do you want to talk about?"

'Why is he acting so weird? It's almost like he's- hiding something.'

"How about your plans?" you asked him.

"Do I always have to have a plan?" he asked back.

Deciding not to respond, the two of you walked together in a comfortable silence.

Taking in your surroundings, you sighed heavily in bliss as you walked through the tall mossy trees, admiring how the sun rays came down through the branches. The crunching of the forest floor relaxed your brain, and you felt calm for the first time in a long time.

Every once in a while, a small woodland animal- a bird or maybe a chipmunk- would run up a tree or fly in front of you, and every time it brought a small smile to your face.

Hisoka took notice of your love for the small creatures, and would hope for one to spring across your path. Your smile made his heart melt, and gave him butterflies in his stomach.

He had no idea why, but since he stopped pretending that he only felt the feelings of a friend, the more romantic feelings started to bloom.

Every time you did something, it could be anything, you could be punching some cat-caller in the street, or ugly laughing and snorting at a stupid comment he made, he fell a little harder.

At this point, almost anything you did made him fuzzy inside.

He found himself constantly wondering if you liked him back, his brain plagued by your presence.

"Umm... Hisoka?"


"Hi- fuck. YO DUMBASS!"

That one got his attention.

"Oh, yes?" he finally answered.

"You were staring."

"Who wouldn't?" he responded.

Hiding the odd fact that this made you blush, you punched him in the shoulder and said, "Shut up weirdo."

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