~Chapter Eight~

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Taking a deep breath, wrapping the fluffy white towel around you even tighter, you opened the bathroom door a crack to see if there really was a man sitting on your bed. Sure enough, there was. 

"Um... Hisoka?" you said opening the door a little wider.

Not even looking up from his game, he hummed in response.

"Can you pass me my bag please?"

Again, not even looking up from his game, he threw your bag at you. This irked you a little bit. Were you not attractive enough for him to even try to sneak a glance at you? Surely he had to know you had no clothes on, and it didn't peak his interest enough to even check? What are you thinking (y/n)! You mentally scolded yourself. You knew how creepy Hisoka could be, you should be thankful he's not trying anything stupid right now. If he tried forcing open the door, you knew you didn't have the traction or the strength to keep him out. This thought in particular rubbed the wrong way.

"Something wrong, my dear?" Hisoka asked, still looking down at his cards, his hand now supporting his chin. You realized you had been staring at him while lost in thought. 

"Oh, uh no. Sorry," you said sheepishly, averting your eyes and closing the door softly. 

Wait a second. You were apologizing to him? Quickly getting your clothes on, you ripped the door open.



"What the fuck are you doing in my room?" You asked with animosity.

"Did you sleep well?"

What the fuck do I have to do to get some privacy around here? Fine, you'd play his little game for now. You didn't want to be friends, but you didn't want him as your enemy either.

"Like the dead. Get the fuck out."

Hisoka chuckled and put his arms up in mock surrender. Getting up and leaving, he turned at the door and said, "You know, you're cute when you sleep." He then quickly shut the door and left.

"WHAT? GET BACK HERE YOU CREEP! WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY?" you yelled, but Hisoka was long gone before you even finished the first word.

The tranquility from your shower gone, you stormed through the halls, looking for your friends. After finding all the applicants near the exit, you quickly scanned the area, looking for him. Thankfully for Hisoka, you didn't see him.

"Hey (y/n)! Are you excited for part two of the second phase?" Gon's cheery voice asked.

"Yeah I guess. I wonder what we're going to have to do," you responded halfheartedly.

"Probably something to do with cooking again," added Killua.

"You're probably right," you said, looking out the window at the ground getting closer.

The re-do of the second phase consisted of catching spider eagle eggs to hard boil and eat. Obviously, it wasn't the boiling of the eggs that was the challenge. It was getting the eggs that was the supposed issue.

Spider eagles lay their eggs in webs situated in large cracks throughout mountains, in particular the Split-in-Half Mountain, which is quite literally a mountain split straight down the middle, like someone took a carving knife and dug straight into the rock. 

You had read somewhere on how to acquire these eggs, and you were itching to get it over with, and to get your mind off of the clown that constantly polluted your thoughts.

"Hey Menchi?" you interrupted from whatever she was saying.

"Do you have a reason for interrupting, 406?" she replied tartly.

"Can I go?"

She looked surprised, and found your question rather humorous. "You don't want a demonstration?"

"I'm good."

"Fine then. Let's see if you survive."

You walked to the edge of the crack, eyeing where you were going to jump. Looking down at the black under the web, you were starting to get a little nervous. Sure, you had read how to collect the eggs, but you had never expected you were actually going to ever have to get them. Looking back at Gon and Killua for a little mental support, he caught your eye instead, giving you all the motivation you needed to jump off a cliff.

Hearing the crowd gasp as you flew gave you a sense of satisfaction you didn't know you needed. Grabbing onto the sticky web and looking for the egg you wanted, you felt a small breeze come from under you. Smirking, knowing the reaction everyone was going to have, you let go of the web and grabbed an egg, letting yourself plummet into the darkness.

Not even two seconds later, the updraft pushed you back up, softly pushing you back to the cliff's edge. Gracefully landing, you looked around to see the applicants in awe, and with Menchi giving you an approving look, you walked back over to your friends and sat down.

Watching the rest of the applicants try to collect their eggs was painful, as a lot of people dropped too early and to their deaths, while almost everyone else had to rely on Gon's instincts to help them survive.

After everyone got their eggs, you all went to boil them, and enjoyed them in satisfaction. Although, looking at the people who backed out and were probably hungry, you decided to share your egg with one of the nicer looking guys, actually feeling a little bad for him. It does take a lot of courage to back out and admit when you can't do something. You justified his actions in your head.

With everyone heading back to the airship to make their way to the next phase, you wondered how Hisoka was faring, then silently cursed yourself for thinking of the nuisance at all. Making sure Gon and Killua were set for another night on the ship, you wandered around, letting yourself get lost in your thoughts.

You barely noticed fast enough the man who was trying to hide his presence before he threw a knife at you, which made a huge gash in your side, that would have pierced your lung had you not dodged.

Why can I not just think without something having to happen? This is so damned annoying! You winced in pain as you stared the man down.

He was wearing a ratty old t-shirt with worn sweatpants that had holes, and he was holding another knife preparing to throw at you. Having watched him long enough, you depicted that this was a friend of the two men you had killed last night. It was honourable of him to try and get vengeance for his allies deaths. Too bad he would be joining them soon.

Running at him, pulling your dagger out , you swung, catching his leg, hearing the tear of both cloth and flesh. Turning back around, the man was already charging at you again, but this time he made the mistake of running head on. You simply threw your dagger into his chest, stabbing his heart, and watching him collapse to the ground with pride.

You suddenly felt very dizzy, but hearing footsteps coming down the hall, you turned to see your favorite person. Great, this guy again. Maybe he'll try to kill me. That'd be kind of hot. Wait, what did you just think? Something wasn't right. That sly bastard poisoned the blade! you realized with a slight panic.

With your lightheadedness getting worse, you quickly tried to walk away from the scene, not wanting to be incapacitated with the neighbourhood creep around, but you stumbled quite atrociously. From your loss of blood and whatever poison the man had instilled in you, you were losing consciousness quickly. 

With your mind only half working, you turned back around to Hisoka and chocked out, "Poisoned-" before collapsing to the polished floor, the darkness swallowing you once again. You really had to work on that.

A/N: since i haven't been writing as much as i want to be, i decided to try and write the next chapter in Hisoka's pov again! i hope it doesn't turn out horrible... anyway... please vote and comment any criticism you have! i also would love to hear from some of my readers. each and every one of you bring me a certain happiness that fills me with joy. this chapter is edited.

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