~Chapter Ten~

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After giving yourself the mental stability to not lunge at Hisoka, you took in the surroundings of the third phase.

You and the rest of the applicants were gathered at the top of Trick Tower, which was basically just a prison for the most dangerous criminals. The goal was to get to the bottom.

One applicant actually tried to climb down the tower, which could have worked, but the carnivorous birds snatched the poor guy up and flew away with him.

You were with Gon, Killua, Kurapika, and Leorio, when you noticed the applicant number was slowly going down. That's when it hit you. 

We have to go through the floor!

Turning to tell them, you saw them quickly fall through the floor, leaving you on the top of the tower, with the few applicants still trying to figure out how to get into the floor.

You started to tap around with your feet on the ground, looking for a trap door, when you heard someone giggle from behind you.

You saw Hisoka, swinging your backpack around on his finger while staring at you intently with his golden eyes. 

Storming towards him, with determination to get your shit back, you squeaked as you fell through the floor, landing flat on your ass. Looking around, you saw a small pedestal with three wristbands on it. 

Suddenly, the ceiling opened up to reveal another man falling through and onto his ass as well, though he did look more graceful than you. Sighing, you decided to make the best of it.

"What's up? I'm (y/n)," you said, getting up to go shake his hand.

With your hand extended, the man just grumbled in response and turned away. 

Kinda rude.

"So I'm guessing we need to put these watch things on and wait for another person?" you asked, not really talking to him but just in general. Just as you said that, a voice coming from hidden speakers on the wall confirmed your suspicions, and explained that to get to the bottom of the tower, you needed a third party member to travel through the tower together on the choices of majority rules.

You and the man waited for about two minutes, you trying to spark up a conversation once or twice, but failing miserably until someone fell from the ceiling again, landing softly on their feet.

"Fucking finally!" you were not the patient type. Looking up to see who your saviour was, you came face to face with none other than the jester himself.

"How perfect. Just the person I needed to see~" he purred.

"Give me back my shit, you fucking clown!" the anger prominently reappearing, you lunged for your bag.

"Ah ah ah... That wasn't very nice (y/n)~" he said with a smirk, pulling the bag away, taunting you with it.

Growling, you were about to curse more at him when the man grumbled from behind, "Can we start now?" unimpressed. You stalked away and grabbed the wristband. Hisoka and the man copied, and you were given your first question. Press X to open the door, press O to keep it closed. 

You were confident. This is going to be a breeze.

Walking down the hallway that was behind the door, your trio reached the second majority rules question. A simple X for right, O for left. You chose right, and so did one other. It didn't really matter to you which way you went, but you could tell Hisoka was not happy, as his blood lust was slowly leaking from his intimidating form. After another long hallway, you ended up at a cliff edge, and at the bottom of the cliff were what had to be millions of poisonous snakes.

Looking across, you saw very spread apart platforms that went staggered to the other side. The platforms were tiny, looking like they were only meant to fit one foot. You were skeptical.

It can't be this easy, can it?

 You looked to your comrades. Hisoka was unimpressed, while the other man looked like he was about to pass out. He was sweating and deathly pale. 

Fear of snakes maybe?

Again, the man from the speakers explained how this had to be completed. Only one person was allowed to touch the small platforms, meaning you had to leave one person behind, unless there was someone who could carry the two people at once. One that would want to.

Turning to talk to your teammates, the man suddenly took action, fear evident on his face. He jumped to the first platform, and while attempting to reach the second one, missed and fell screaming into the snakes, who bit and attacked him mercilessly.

"Well that makes my life easier~" Hisoka said, swooping you up bridal style before you could oppose, and gracefully skipping from one platform to another. You weren't afraid of snakes, and you didn't doubt his abilities, but your subconscious was on the verge of a freak out. As a result, you pulled the clothes by Hisoka's chest,  heart beating fast, you looked down at the slithering mess below you.

Noticing this, Hisoka decided that he wanted to play a little, and pretended to drop you, grabbing you at the last second by your wrist. Looking down, he saw you frantically grabbing at his hand and arm, trying to pull yourself back up to the safety of his arms. It was weird, the fact that you did feel safe in his arms.


"Hehe, sorry, you must have slipped. I should be more careful huh? I do have precious cargo~" he said, leaning in close to speak softly in your ear.

Blushing furiously, you shut up and pouted as he maneuvered the rest of the way. The second both of his feet were on the other cliff edge, you jumped down and ripped your backpack off of his back and stormed away, mumbling profanities to yourself.

Not really paying attention to where you were going, you ended up in some dark room, and you somewhat noticed another presence there with you. When a cold, curved blade was suddenly pressed against your neck, the slightest movement being detrimental, you knew that there was definitely another presence in the room.

"Alright princess. Be a good girl and wait for Hisoka hmm?" the man who was holding the blade said against your neck. This made your blood boil, although you were in no position to struggle, you swallowed your pride, making a mental note to kill whoever the fuck this was the second you got the chance.

Taking a piece of your hair and playing with it, the man pulled you closer as Hisoka walked through the door, candles on the staircases on either side of you lighting up simultaneously.

So he gets the entrance and I don't? How lame.

You watched Hisoka calmly walk through the entrance, the dramatic display only heightening his ego.

You let your eyes travel around the room, seeing a pair of shackles attached to the wall, you rolled your eyes knowing what was going to come next. 

As if on queue, the man walked you over to them, the blade still pressed harshly against your neck, he gestured for you to put the first one on yourself. 

For fucks' sake. 

Lifting your arm and putting the shackle on your left wrist, you turned back to the man who quickly lifted your right arm and locked the other one.

Eyeing you up and down, he walked back to face Hisoka, who was clearly enjoying this.

You struggled against the restraints. 

I'll fucking get him for this.

A/N: soooo...... yeah. please vote and comment any criticism you have! i'd also love to hear your ideas for the story. this chapter is edited. 

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