~Chapter Twenty-Six~

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A few days after you had killed Kastro, you began to settle down and return to your normal self.

You had watched Hisoka and Gon's fight, scolding Hisoka in private for being so weird toward Gon.

You had also won a few fights in the Arena as well, earing the title of a Floor Master, but gave it up rather quickly. You only really showed up to the Arena to yell at Hisoka.

Being good at winning wasn't your fault.

After the staff had finished trying to convince you to stay, you and Hisoka exited the building with Gon and Killua not far behind.

"Ahhh-" Gon started, his hands stretched into the air and a look of bliss on his face. "The sun is so nice out today! Killua! We should go swimming!"


"Umm... focus on what?" he innocently asked.

You chuckled, their antics always serving a plate of joy.

After you had woken up the morning Hisoka had brought you home, the boys were knocking on your door.

Apparently, they had been knocking on the door every day you were gone, worried sick.

They wanted to help Hisoka look for you, but he threatened them to stay put.

Unfortunately, they were too scared to disobey him.

At least, that's what Hisoka told you. You really didn't know if you could trust what he told you.

At least about the boys.

During your rather unpleasant time away, you had missed the boys. Gon and Killua managed to weasel themselves into your heart, and much to your dismay, you really did care about them.

They reminded you that people weren't always what they seemed.

Gon, kindhearted, innocent, and honest, you would never expect to be as strong as he is.

Killua, strong, dangerous, a trained freakin assassin, you would never expect to care so deeply about his friends.

You smiled at them as they ran in front of you, chasing each other.

"Hey (y/n), we're going to meet up with Kurapika and Leorio, do you want to come with us?" Gon asked excitedly.

Did... did Hisoka's bloodlust just spike?

It was almost unnoticeable, but you just thought...

"Um thanks for the offer, but I kind of have some plans of my own I need to carry out now," you replied politely, Hisoka's arm wrapping around your shoulders.

"Oh, ok," he replied, sounding disappointed. "Well, we'll see you later then! Good luck with your plans!"

"Gon, Kill, be careful!" you yelled at them as you watched the boys run away.

You and Hisoka continued on into the depths of the city, his arm still snaked around your shoulders.

You smirked as you remembered, "Did your bloodlust spike when Gon mentioned Leorio and Kurapika?" 

He tensed slightly, "My my, you focus on my bloodlust that much?"

"HA! SO IT IS TRUE! YOU'RE FUCKING JEALOUS!" you screeched, not caring about the heads you turned as you all but danced around him in joy.

His face stayed stoic as he watched your oddly excited state, giggling as you now skipped instead of walked.

You suddenly stopped and your bloodlust spiked. 

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