~Chapter Twenty-Two~

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You realized as you were in the elevator with Hisoka that you really had nothing to give to him.

He had bought you everything you had looked at while walking downtown, and you couldn't even remember if you said thank you.

It was a depressing thought, and as you stole a glance at the tall magician, you realized that even though you couldn't give him what he needed, you needed him.

It disgusted you, how selfish you were.

You would indulge in the presence of him, and couldn't reciprocate.

Funny, how Hisoka was thinking the same thing as you.

He couldn't keep his mind out of these thoughts.

He saw you as a poisonous flower. So beautiful and delicate to look at, yet deadly if picked.

He had never thought that he would be lucky enough to find someone who was so strong, resilient, and tough, yet so delicate and easily broken as well.

"Hisoka, I'm sorry." you blurted out before your brain could comprehend what it was saying.

"Hmm~?" he responded. He always had that carefree tone, it use to irk you, but now it was comforting.

How had so much changed in so short of a time?

"It's just, well..." you struggled to find the words. He looked at you patiently as the elevator dinged, signaling you had reached the 100th floor.

You huffed in annoyance. "I just feel like you give me so much, and I can't return the gesture."

He was about to retort when you interrupted before he had the chance, "But don't worry. I'm going to prove my worth. I will protect you."

He looked so taken aback. No one had ever really cared about him. His thoughts at the café had solidified in his mind. The insecurities about your care for him vanished. In that moment, he had come to a terrifying yet welcoming realization; he loved you.

You looked at him worried, not being able to decipher what he was thinking. He was staring at you blankly, lost in his own head.

"Hisoka I-" *ding*. You had reached the 200th floor.

He signaled for you to get off first with a silent gesture of his arm.

Walking down the hallway, he was the first to speak. "Why don't you come to my room. I think we need to talk."

Talk? Talk? What did he mean by that? Was he annoyed with you already? Your thoughts ran rampant through your head and your brain turned on autopilot.

"Your room? Hisoka, you don't have a door anymore!" you laughed as you reminisced about breaking it down. "Why don't you come to my room," you continued, "we can chat in there, with a door."

He laughed as he remembered as well.

You made a right at the end of the hallway instead of a left, heading in the direction of your room.

The second you two walked in and the door was shut, your anxiety hit the roof. You had no idea what to expect as he took a seat at the end of the bed, staring at his knees. You stood in front of him, waiting for him to say something.

Your brain automatically went for the worse.

Taking a deep breath, you decided to talk first. This silence was slowly killing you.

"So, what did you want to tell me?" you asked.

"I don't really know how to say this, as this has never happened to me before." he started. "Well my dear, you care about me right?"

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