
555 21 14

Four months later
Can't this lesson go any quicker, history always takes the longest and I hate it. I watch the clock as the seconds tick by and eventually the bell goes. Everyone rushes out of their class rooms and goes back to their dorms. I'm the first one to my dorm and I go straight to my room. I start packing everything ready for tomorrow. In a few hours I get to go home and never come back, I'm also taking Payton with me.  I hear the girls come back so I go see them, the boys are with them,

"School is finally over bitches" I say

"Best time of the year is summer no doubt" Liam says

"Fax" I say

"We're going to the beach tomorrow you coming" Maddie says

"What beach" I ask

"This one two hours away" she says

"Sure but I'm going home first, I'll meet you there though" I say

"Ok I'll text you details" she says

I go to my room and start packing, my phone buzzes and its Maddie telling me how to get to the beach they are going to. I decide to play music while packing the rest of my things. I'm in my last bag and someone walks in, I turn and see Payton.

"Someone's eager to get out of here" he laughs

"Yep, I can't wait to go home" I say

"Won't you miss it here" he asks

"I guess. I'll miss everyone here and the memories but I can't wait to get home" I say

"Fair enough, everyone here is going to miss you" he says

"I know but I'll still come see them" I say

I put the last of my things away and now I'm ready to leave. Payton goes back to his dorm so he can start packing. I help the girls with a few of their things before we all go get dinner together for the last time. We go to go back but Payton keeps me behind, he takes me to the park down the road.

"Why are we here" I ask sitting on the swing

"This is the first place I took you after I took you to get food. I think it was your second day" He says

"I remember that, I was so hungry" I say and he laughs "Who knew what would happen after"

"Esther. She did" Payton says

"Yeah she kinda made it happen" I say "I'm going home when we get back. Are you coming with me" I ask

"Sure, I only have a few things to pack" he says

We walk back to school and he goes to his dorm and I go to mine. I get my stuff and put it in the boot of the car. I go to Paytons dorm and help him pack the last of his things then we put  them in the back of my car. We go back to my dorm where everyone is and tell them we're leaving.

"I'm going to miss you" Liv says

"I'll miss you too" I say pulling out of the hug and going over to Maddie

"Don't for get to call and text as much as you can" she says hugging me

"I will don't worry" I say and pull out of the hug

I say bye to the boys while Payton says bye to the girls. After that we get in my care and head home, we stop on the way for food. I take Payton to his first and help him take his stuff into his house, I say hi to his mum before heading home. I take my stuff in and to my room.

"Hello I'm back, I know you missed me" I say walking into the living room and sitting down

"Hello Kaden" my mum says with a smile and Ava walks in

Maybe change isn't bad - Payton Moormeier Where stories live. Discover now