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(Two weeks later)
Me and the girls decide to go back to the mall today to get the dresses. I manage to pay for it in full and the girls pay half and going to pay the other half later. We do some other shopping and get lunch at the mall. 

"How did you manage to afford that all in one" Liv asks as we walk to the car

"My dad left me money and my mum paid for half of it" I say

"Wait did he you know" Maddie says not wanting to ask

"No but I wish he was dead" I say "He just left for good, no big deal"

"Oh ok" Maddie says

We get to the car and I drive us back to school. When we get to the dorm I go my room and hang my dress up in my wardrobe. I sit on my bed and watch tv for a while. I hear people talking and I instantly recognise Paytons voice, I quickly turn my tv off and pretend to be asleep. I may have avoided him yesterday so we didn't have to study. I hear my door open and close.

"Cute" I hear him say "Get up I know your not asleep" he says and I roll over

"Why didn't you just wait until I gave up" I ask

"Because watching you sleep is considered creepy" he says sitting at my desk

"Its better that studying" I say

"Not when your failing" he counters

We start with the maths homework then going through the test again before doing a few things from the text book. It takes a few hours because I put everything off and got distracted a lot. When were eventually done I flop down onto my bed and take a nap. I get woken up my phone ringing, I don't look at who it is before picking it up.

"Hello" I say tiredly

"Hello sleepy" Esther says. I Look at her smiling face on my screen once my eyes focus "What have you been doing" she asks

"Well I bought my prom dress, did some shopping, had some lunch, did maths tutoring with Payton and took a nap" I say

"Oooo lets see the dress" she says excitedly and I go over to my wardrobe and get it out "Sis going to look hot in that" she says

"I know, for once I like a dress. I actually can't wait just so I can show off the dress" I say

"Paytons going to see what he missed out on" she says

"He's not missing out on anything, I'm here if he wants me. I'm not doing what I did last time" I say

"Why not" she asks confused

"Because last time I made the first move and kissed him then ignored him for a day until you kinda forced me to talk to him again" I say

"Well it worked didn't it" she says

"Yes it totally worked which is why were not together anymore" I say sarcastically

"Well he doesn't exactly know how you feel so can you blame him for not doing anything. He doesn't want to mess up again in case he loses you forever" she says

"He would never lose me forever. Any way how's rehab" I ask

"Good, same like always but I might have to stay here longer so I won't be back until your back at school" she says

"Seriously but I miss you and need to see you" I complain.

I stay on FaceTime with her for an hour before I hear that everyone is here. We say our goodbyes and hang up, I go into the living room and see that everyone is here except Payton. I get a drink before sitting down, we talk while we watch tv.

"I'm hungry, I'm going panda express what do you guys want" I ask standing up. They tell me what they want. As I open the door Payton is standing there like he's about to come in.

"Hi" he says

"Hey your coming to get food with me" I say grabbing his hand and walking away.

We walk to my car and I don't realise I've held his hand all the way here until we get to my car. I get in and we go to panda express. We go inside and I order our food before sitting down where Payton is. I go on my phone and we don't talk.

"Why did I have to come" he asks breaking the silence

"Because I don't like going places alone and you were already at the door" I say "Where were you anyway"

"Music department, I'm switching one of my subjects for music" he says

"Ok" I say I say and we return to silence. My mind is racing with thoughts. I want to tell him what everyone has been telling me to tell him but I don't know how "Will you go to prom with me" I blurt out. Not what I expected to say but ok.

"What" he says looking up from his phone

"Will you go to prom with me" I ask again

"Umm... yeah" he hesitates

"You don't have to" I say

"I want to I just didn't expect you to ask" he says

"What its 2020 a girl can ask a guy to prom" I say defensively

"Ok fair enough" he laughs

It wasn't like his normal laugh recently. This time I could hear the happiness in his laugh and his smile afterwards warmed my heart making me smile. I missed these moments. I get called for our order so I go collect it then we leave. We go back to my dorm and everyone takes their food. We chill in the living room for a few hours.

I get tiered so I go to my room, I text Esther then my phone dies so I put on charge. I put my tv on and watch vampire diaries. Payton walks into my room and hands me his phone.

"She wanted to talk to you and you weren't answering your phone" he says and I see Esther on his phone

"Why weren't you answering" she asks

"Because my phone died" I say

"Ok anyway you asked Payton to prom" she says

"That bitch told you" I say

"No you texted me, anyway why" she asks

"I don't know. I wanted to tell him how I felt and I didn't know how to and it just came out and he said yes" I say

"I can't wait till your together again" she says

"You don't know if were going as dates we could be going as just friends" I say

"Just friends my ass, what happened last time you guys went to a dance as just friends" she asks

"We kissed and got together, but that won't happen this time. Unless he kisses me then it might" I say

"Ight I know what I've got to do now" she says

"Esther don-" I start but she hangs up "That bitch" I say to my self. I give Payton his phone back and go back to watching tv.

Maybe change isn't bad - Payton Moormeier Where stories live. Discover now