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I get rudely awoken by the deafening sound of my alarm. I take my phone and snooze it, it goes off aging ten minutes later. I grab my phone a turning it off before throwing it and saying "fuck off" I roll over and go back to sleep

I then get woken up by Maddie coming in my room. "Get up or you'll be late on your first day" she says before walking out.

I groan and get out of bed. I walk over to my closet and stare at my clothes before deciding on what to wear. I put on my favourite pair of black ripped jeans, a pink cropped vest top with babygirl written on it in white and my black vans. I wear my favourite heart lock chain, I put mascara on before leaving my room. I walk into the kitchen, Maddie and Liv are eating cereal. I look in the cupboards and see a breakfast bar and take it, I open the fridge and see some red bull. Both the girls have iced coffees so its not theirs.

"Whose are these" I ask grabbing a can

"Their Paytons, he leaves the here sometimes" Liv says

"Ok imma have one" I say opening the can.

I go back to my room and get my backpack ready. The school gave me all the books I will need for my classes. Once my bags ready it's time to leave, I head back out to the living room.

"You ready to go" Maddie asks

"Yep, I haven't left yet and I already hate it" i say walking out the door.

"It's won't be that bad" Liv laughs she says as we start walking to class.

Maddie and Liv show me to maths, which is my first lesson. They are both in this class with me.

"You must be the new student" I hear the teacher say as i walk into class. I turn to face her

"Yep that's me" I say trying not to sound grumpy

"Well you've come while we're in the middle of a topic so its ok if you dont understand it just ask me or someone on your table for help" she says.

I nod and walk away. I find the table Liv and Maddie sat at, they are sitting with the boys and the only spare seat is next to Payton so that's where I sit. I take out my maths book and place it on the table before putting my bag under the table.

"Morning boys, morning babyface" I say turning to Payton and smiling

"Morning" Liam and Jordan say in sync

"Is that one of my red bulls" Payton asks looking at the can I placed on the table

"Yes, I dont like coffee and I need energy if I'm going to get through today" I say

"Someone's not a morning person" Liam says

"Nope never have and never will be" I laugh

We all shut up when the teacher starts talking. She talks for half the lesson before giving us a task from the text book to do. I had no clue what was going on, I tried to do the first question but i struggled a lot. I turn to Paton whose on the fifth question by now.

"Do you understand this" I ask him

"Yeah, do you ned help" he asks and I nod my head "Ok see the question" I nod " see x" I nod again "we have to get x by itself. Whatever we do on one side of the equal sign you have to do on the other. Watch" he talks me through the first question and helps me with the rest until class is over

"Ok todays homework is to complete questions 1-10 on page 167. Have a good rest of your day" she says as we all pack our things away.

"What have you go next" Liv asks

Maybe change isn't bad - Payton Moormeier Where stories live. Discover now