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"I'm officially two months and two weeks sober" I pretty much scream as I walk into Samantha's office

"I know and its only two weeks until thanksgiving when you'll be three months. Are you exited" she asks as I sit down on the sofa

"Yeah I guess, I'll only be their for a week and will probably be busy" I say

"So your not worried about temptation from your friends" she asks

"Not really, I'm strong enough now and I miss my friends" I say "Plus I have Payton, he's only a twenty minute drive away"

"Payton, what's going on with him. You never told me what happened when you went to go tell him how you feel" she asks

"I didn't tell him, I asked if he meant what he said and he did" I say, it kind of weird talking about my somewhat love life with my counsellor "I didn't know how I felt so I didn't tell him"

"Do you know how you feel now" she asks

"I guess, I don't know. I'm confused but at the same time I know what I want. I think I like him but what if I hurt him or he realises he can do better than me" I say

"Kaden you need to stop worrying, tell him how you feel even if you don't fully know yet" she suggests

"No" I say shaking my head "I'll think about it over thanksgiving"

We talk more about thanksgiving and my family before the session is over. I go to my dorm and do a little homework before the boys come round with food. we sit around the coffee table in the living room.

"Are we drinking tomorrow" Liam asks

"Yeah, we can't next week because were going home on Saturday" Maddie says

"I'm going home Friday" I say

"What why" Liv asks sounding confused

"Because it will be less busy and their will be traffic Saturday. Plus I can drive myself home" I say

"Oh I forgot to tell you, I'm at Esther's on thanksgiving" Payton says

"She's going to drag you to the park" I laugh

"Yeah she said she would" Payton says rolling his eyes slightly

We finish dinner and the boys stay. I go to my room and finish my homework, I get ready for bed and decide to watch Netflix. Someone knocks on my door and Payton walks in.

"Hey I was wondering if you could take me home Friday so I could surprise my mum" he asks

"Awww a mamas boy cute" I tease "yeah of course I can" I say giving him a smile

"Thank you" he says before leaving and I eventually fall asleep

Its Saturday and I'm sitting alone and board in my dorm. Liv is with Liam doing god knows what, Maddie is off campus with her mum and Jordan is doing something to do with sports. I decide to go to the boys dorm to hangout with Payton, I knock and he doesn't answer. I open the door because its unlocked. I don't see him when I walk in so I go to his room and see him on facetime to Esther.

"So that's why your not answering my texts" I say to Esther sitting next to Payton

"You know I don't answer those" she laughs

"Anyway, not to sound rude but what do you want" Payton asks me

"Everyone's out and I'm board can we do something" I ask

"Sure what do you want to do" he asks and I shrug my shoulders

"Well I'm going to go" Esther says, we say our goodbyes and she hangs up.

Me and Payton decide to go to town for the day. I drive and we go through the taco bell drive thru so I can get a Baja Blast. I then drive to the mall, we walk around for a bit going in and out of different shops.

"How much longer we've been here forever" Payton whines as I drag him into another shop

"You sound like a child" I laugh "We've been here for an hour and a half"

"Exactly, forever" he says and I playfully roll my eyes

"This is the last shop" I say as I walk over to the changing rooms.

I try on the things I picked up. I put a few back then go pay for my things. We go back to school and we go to my dorm. Everyone's back now and I go to my room. I put my things away and join the others in the living room.

"Where have you guys been all day" Liam asks

"Went to the mall, you guys were to busy doing whatever" I say sitting next to Payton " Where's Jordan" I ask

"In our dorm, he's refusing to leave his room" Liam says

"Why" I ask confused

"His girlfriend broke up with him" Liam says

"Oh no, is he ok" I ask

"Wait a minute is this Kaden caring for other people" Payton says acting shocked and I swat his arm

"I care about people, like my mum and sister, Esther, Kai, Jamie, Maddie, Liam and Jordan" I say counting my fingers as I list people

"What about me" he says acting offended

"No you smell" I say giving him a smile. He puts his hand over his heart acting really offended making me laugh "What I never said you smelt bad"

"Whose going to tell them" Liv says

"what" I say confused

"Omg get together already" Maddie says "You flirt all the time and your always together"

"No, just friends" I say and I see Paytons actually hurt. Kinda hurt to say but it's whatever.

"Ok if you say so" Liam says

We end up ordering dinner and staying in. When the boys leave they take some food for Jordan. I go to my room and call the group chat . Kai is the first one to answer then Jamie.

"Where's Esther" I ask

"I don't know, I was texting her a second ago" Kai says "Anyway a how are you" he asks

"I'm good, I'm two months sober now" I say

"Well done that's so good" Jamie says

"How are you guys" I ask

"Got kicked out of school again" Kai says

"Of course you did" I laugh

We catch up until they have to go. I try calling Esther but she doesn't answer so I text her. She still doesn't answer so I text her again and she airs me. I let it slide and have a shower, I get in my pyjamas and watch tv. I'm watching Netflix when I get a call from my mum.

"Hey sweetie" she says as I answer the phone

"Hey mum, you ok" I ask

"Um yeah" she says sounding unsure about her answer.

"Are you sure" I ask and she doesn't answer straight away

"There's something I need to tell you" she says eventually "Your dad reached out again, almost two years sober now and he has a girlfriend" she says

"Oh" is all I managed to say. What am I supposed to says

"I didn't want to tell you over the phone but you deserved to know" she says "Are you ok"

"Yeah I'm fine, I dont care what he's doing or anything about his life. I'm in a good place and he is not going to ruin it" I say

"Good, I'm proud of you Kaden" she says making me smile

"Thank you mum" I say. I stay on the phone to her for a while, I also talk to Ava for a bit.

We say our goodbyes and I carry on watching tv. I eventually decide to go to bed and fall asleep within a few hours.

There are a lot of fillers but something is going to happen I promise. Nothing big but something.

Maybe change isn't bad - Payton Moormeier Where stories live. Discover now