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(Time skip - last week of school, Tuesday)
The bell for last lesson goes and like usual I go to Samantha. I go in and sit down and we talk about my day and me going home again.The two hours finish and I go back to my room and do some homework. I go into the living room when Liv comes back. We go to the dining hall and have dinner with the others.

"I swear to god if you take another fry I will kill you" Maddie says to Liv

"I'd like to see you try" Liv says

"No one will be killing anyone" I say before turning my attention to the boys conversation.

"Who you asking" Liam asks Jordan

"I don't know, how about you" Jordan asks back

"I don't know either, how many people do you think are gunna ask Liv this year" Liam says

"At least ten if not more" Payton says

"You talking about the dance" Mads asks

"What dance" I ask

"There's a Christmas dance every year, they guys always ask the girls the Wednesday before the dance" Liv says

"I hate dances" I say "When is it" I ask

"Friday. So if someone was to ask you, you would say no" Jordan asks

"Yeah probably, I mean it depends" I say

We finish dinner and go back to our dorms. I get in and have a shower before getting ready for bed. I watch tv then get a snack. I sit in the living room with Liv and Mads.

"I don't care what you say your going it the dance" Maddie says

"No I'm not. I'm staying here all night" I say

"C'mon it will be fun. Come for at least an hour" she asks

"No, I won't have a date" I say

"Nor will I, we can go together as friends" She says

"Fine, if it will suit you up" I say rolling my eyes as she claps her hands.

The bell for break just went and so far todays been boring. People are getting asked to the dance left, right and centre. Its annoying. I'm in the line to get food because I didn't have breakfast when Jordan comes up to me.

"Hey Kaden" he says, he's acting nervous

"Hi Jordan, you ok" I ask

"Yeah, so I was wondering" he says trailing off "Well would you go to the dance with me" he asks

"No" I say bluntly "but I'm sure Mads will"

"Really, no offence I was gunna ask her but I thought she would say no" he says

"And you thought I wouldn't" I laugh "Just ask her"

We walk over to the table where the other boys are. We sit down and start talking, the girls come over and sit down with us, joining our conversation.

"So how many people have asked you" Payton asks Liv

"Six I think" she says

"Lets make it seven" Liam says "Liv will you go to the dance with me" he asks

"I would love to" she says, then someone walks up to our table

"Liv would you go to-" he starts

"I can't I have a date" she says cutting him off and he walks away

Once break is over we go back to classes. During lunch more people ask Liv to the dance and she tell them all she already has a date. After school I have a detention so I have to go to that. When I get out Payton waiting for me in the hall.

Maybe change isn't bad - Payton Moormeier Where stories live. Discover now