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Its finally Friday and I have the weekend ahead of me. I have no clue what I'm going to do because I don't know what there is to do around here but I will figure something out.

I'm currently sitting in the worlds most annoying lesson, English. I hate the teacher, I don't have a specific reason but its the small things he does that annoy me. I look at the clock and there's only ten minutes left.

"Ok I think that's enough today, you can pack up and don't forget I expect your report on the first five chapters by Tuesdays lesson." he says as the class starts to pack away.

"You coming to the shops with us later" Payton asks turning to me

"Umm...I have homework to do" I say trying to come up with an excuse. Truth is I want to go just not with him. He's my friend and all but Esther won't shut up about him and its become annoying so I want to distance my self from him.

"C'mon you have all weekend for that, just come" he says

"Fine" I say rolling my eyes playfully, however for some reason I can't seem to say no to him.

He walks me back to my dorm because its on the way to his. I go straight to my room and text all my friends back home. after talking to them for a bit I hear the boys arrive so I go to the living room.

"You ready to go" Liam asks and I nod my head. We leave and start walking to the corner shop close by.

"Why are we going to the shops" I ask because I was never actually told.

"We're buying drinks for tonight, I thought Jordan told you" Liv says

"No he didn't, but how are you going to get drink we're 16" I say. Then Maddie pulls out a card

"Fakes" she says showing me. Not going to lie didn't think these guys were like this, now I'm happy I keep mine on me all the time.

[A/n: we're going to pretend legal drinking age is 18 and not 21]

We walk into the shop and they go get some mixers like coke and lemonade. They get a standard size bottle of vodka and I get a small one for myself, that should get me tipsy. They go to the register and pay, then I go up. The man scans the bottle and asks.

"Is that everything"

"Yeah" I say.

"Can I see some ID please" He asks

"Sure " I say handing him my ID. He looks at it then hands it back to me, he asks for the money and I give it to him then we leave.

"How are we going to get this in without teachers noticing" I ask on the walk back

"We're going to put the in Liam's bag" Payton says

We get back to our dorm without any problems. I take my vodka and go to my room. I call Ava because I haven't spoken to her in a while and we catch up on the past week. I tell her my plans for tonight and like the mother of the group she is she says

"Don't get to drunk"

"I won't mother" I say jokingly before we say our goodbyes.

I get started on my English homework but find it boring so I move on to my Spanish homework. Apparently its compulsory in this school but I don't really mind I find it kind of easy. I'm half way through my work when there's a knock on my door

"Come in" I say and the door opens and Payton walks in and sits on my bed

"Your seriously doing homework, come drink with us" he says looking at me

"I have to stay on track if I wanna leave" I say but truth is I don't know if I want to leave anymore. Honestly its better than constantly being moaned at by my mum back home but I miss my friends too much.

"Wait you don't want to stay" he says kind sad

"Not exactly but I would rather be home" I say and he doesn't say anything "I'll be out in a sec just gotta finish this sentence" I say

"Ok" he says getting up and leaving. I put my homework away and get my drink before going to the living and sitting on a bean bag next to Payton. I grab the lemonade and a red solo cup and pour my self a drink with the bigger bottle of vodka.

It's a few hours later and everyone is tipsy and I'm still sober. I'm contemplating drinking my vodka straight, I say fuck it take the lid of and take a big drink and everyone just looks at me.

"What" I say to all of them

"You drank that like it was water" Jordan says kinda shocked

"Yeah, its kinda why I'm here" I say

"What do you mean" Liv asks

"Well I wasn't the best behaved. I wouldn't be home for days at a time, I would go get high and drunk with my friend at a park near ours and I would always ditch school and my mum had enough so she went through with the boarding school threat" I explain they all seem a little shocked about what I used to do back home

"You sound like a fun friend" Liam says

"Life of the party" I say taking another drink

We continue to talk and drink and I tell the stories of stuff that me and my friends have done while high or drunk. An hour or so later they're all drunk and I'm tipsy. I've finished my vodka, I look at the time and its 3am.

"Imma go to bed I suggest you guys do the same" I say making my way to my room. I get into my pyjamas and get in bed. I hear the others go to bed.

I decide to get a glass of water. I walk out and Jordan is on the floor and Payton is on the sofa. I go back to my room and try to sleep. Not long after there's a knock at my door, I get out of bed and go open my door and see Payton.

"What do you want" I ask half asleep

"I cant sleep" he says sounding less drunk that earlier

"Ok well come in I guess" I say going and laying back in my bed and he sits at the end if my bed

"Do you actually hate it here" he asks out of nowhere

"I dont know. I mean its not that bad I would just rather go back home and get back to my old life" I say

"That makes sense, you'll like it here eventually" he says he gets up and leaves my room.

Well that was random, I get comfortable and end up falling asleep quickly.

Just realised I didn't post another parts sorry.
Also I've written like 3-4 parts today. I pre-write the parts. I'm currently on part 20

Maybe change isn't bad - Payton Moormeier Where stories live. Discover now