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I wake up the next morning  and go get breakfast. The girls are already up and ready watching tv in the living room. I finish what I'm eating then go get ready.

"You guys are up early seeing as you usually have a hangover" I say

"We came back early because we're going prom dress shopping today" Liv says

"Ok when you guys going" I ask

"Your coming as well" Maddie says and I roll my eyes. I've learnt not to argue because I won't win.

"I don't even want to go to prom. I'm going to be sitting their all alone all night" I say

"Go with Payton" Liv says

"No thanks" I say. I would but I don't think he would want to

"Why not you two were asleep on the sofa yesterday" Maddie says

"That doesn't mean anything, anyway when are we going" I ask again

"In an hour so get ready" Maddie says

I get up and go get ready. I drive us to the mall because I'm the only one with a car. They make me go to starbucks first before we go to the dress shop. They pick out a few dresses and try them on while I continue to look. They come out and look at some more, I can't seem to find one that I like.

"What's wrong" Liv asks seeing that I'm probably irritated

"I cant find a dress" I say 

"This one would look good on you" she says holding up a basic pink dress

"I dont do bright colours" I say "Plus if I have to go I'm going to go all out for this" I say

"How about this one" Maddie says holding up a dress

"Yes that looks so good" I say I go try it on but I feel like somethings missing. I go show the girls and Maddie gives me another one that's slightly different. "I like them but I dont know what to choose" I say

"Its ok, you can put them on hold with ours" Liv says

We put the dresses on hold then stay at the mall for a few more hours before going back to the dorms. We get lunch on the way back. I go to my room and watch tv but I'm interrupted by Payton coming into my room with text books.

"What are you doing here" I ask

"I am becoming your maths tutor again because I won't let you fall behind" he says taking a seat

"Why I'm doing fine" I say

"Kaden your failing, I won't let you fail after how far you've come" he says and I roll my eys

I don't pay attention at first and carry on watching tv until he takes the remote and turns the tv off and hides the remote. I pay attention and he helps me with everything I got wrong on the test. Then what I don't get in class. Its really boring and making me want to fall asleep.

"Cant we stop now. We've been working for two hours now" I while

"Sure but every Friday after school we are studying" he says

"Sure whatever" I say getting up and leave. I go to the kitchen to get food and a drink, I go back to my room and end up taking a nap.

(A few days later)
I'm in my room watching tv after school when Ava calls. She says she misses me and just wanted to talk which is strange for her but it was nice talking to her. She goes downstairs and I talk to my mum as well.

"Mum can I ask for a favour" I ask

"Depends on what is" she says

"Well me and my friends were looking at prom dresses and I found two but they are expensive" I say

Maybe change isn't bad - Payton Moormeier Where stories live. Discover now