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(Almost a week later)
I haven't done much and haven't left the house much since Payton left. Esther left yesterday to go back home and talk to her mum. I've been in bed all day watching tv, everyone is coming round later. The last episode of season 6 of vampire diaries ends and everyone walks into my room.

"When was the last time you left your room" Esther asks

"This morning when I got breakfast" I say

"Have you had lunch" she asks and I shake my head "it's almost dinner imma order you food"

"When was the last time you showered" Jamie asks

"When Esther forced me to shower last" I says

"That was two days ago go shower and don't make me drag you to the bathroom" she says

I don't want to argue so I get some clothes and go to the bathroom. I have a shower and get changed. I brush my teeth and hair then go back to my room and get back in bed. I carry on watching what I was watching before and the others are sitting on my bed or on my floor.

"Why is she acting like such a bum recently" Kai says

"I'm still here and I can hear you" I say

"Payton went on holiday I guess and she can't see him for two weeks" Esther says

"So what its two weeks" Jamie says. I know I was over reacting with the whole two weeks thing but I have this constant feeling like I will fuck up if I'm not with him or go too long without seeing him.

"I was completely fine until he stopped messaging me" I say "He said he would talk to me the entire time he was there. He was there for two days and stopped talking to me. What if he met some really hot supermodel type of girl and doesn't want me no more"

"Kaden shut the fuck up, he loves you and defiantly wouldn't be able to pull a girl like that. I mean unless its you coz yeah" Esther says "Being the dumb fuck that he is he either lost his phone, didn't bring a charger or broke his phone"

"I guess your right but still what if-" I start

"Don't start with the what ifs because they will become endless with the amount of overthinking you do. I will talk to Joanne or Faith later to see what's going on" she says

"Ok whatever" I say not giving a shit anymore

"So you don't care" Kai asks and I shake my head "I swear your mood swings are the worse"

I flip him off and carry on watching tv. They want  to go to target an get whatever it is they said so they drag me out of the house. I drive of course and we go in. We wonder about for a bit and they pick things up on the way. Jamie needs to go home after and Kai's supposed to be grounded so I take them home. Me and Esther go back to her house., her mums at work so it just us. We watch tv in the living room.

"So is your mums boyfriend moving in or what" I ask her

"No she's going to slowly introduce him into my life or whatever. She says he's nice but I call bullshit" she says

"What if he is nice and you act like a bitch to him" I say

"I am a bitch to my own dad why would I be nice to him" she says

"Good point" I say sand change the channel

She turns Netflix on and we watch the originals because we always watch vampire diaries. We get half way through season one and her phone rings. She sees who it is and picks it and goes out of the room. I really want to follow her but I know I shouldn't. Me being the nosey bitch I am does it anyway. I can't make out what she's saying though. I walk into the kitchen to get a drink when she's done.

"Who was that" I ask

"Faith" she says still on her phone

"What did she want" I ask

"Me to go check on the dogs later, oh I asked about Payton. He dropped his phone in the sea and it broke due to water damage. He's getting it fixed when he gets back" she says

"So he is a dumb fuck" I say "I can't talk to him for another week, imam kill him when he gets back"

"See no super model kinda girl anyway. Now let's get back because Kol is fit" she says and I laugh 

"No Elijah is better" I say

We go to the living room and carry on watching tv. Her mum comes home and I stay for dinner. I go home because my mum probably has no clue where I am and she would have only go home half an hour ago. On the way home I get a call asking where I and I tell her I'm on my way home. She asks me to pick dinner up so I get us a chick fil a.

I decided to go home a day later than everyone else so that I don't get stuck in all the traffic with everyone going back to school. I get up early and pack my things. I guarantee Jamie and Kai aren't up yet but Esther stayed at mine last night so she is and she helped me pack. Once I'm done packing I have a shower and get dressed. I take me and Esther out for a late breakfast.

"Do you have to go" Esther asked again

"Yes and I stayed for an extra two days" I say

"But I won't see you for months" she says

"I finish school in July that's only that's only three months" I say

"Well just over three months" she says "and that's forever"

"Whatever" I say

We finish our breakfast and go back to mine. I leave half an hour before lunch, I sat bye to Ava first then my mum. I drop Esther off home and say bye to her mum. I say bye to Esther last.

"Please don't go" she says

"I have to, I'll she you in three-" I start

"Four" she corrects

"Four months. Love you I got to go so you need to let me go" I say and she lets me out of the hug

"Love you too but I'll miss you" she says

"Miss you too" I say walking out of her house

I get in my car and start driving. I stop on the way to get some late lunch on the way back, I decide to go to In and Out. I get in a little traffic but it clears up quickly and I finally get to the dorms. I get my bags and head to my dorm. I go to open the door but Liam walks out opening the door for me. I know exactly why he's here.

"School hasn't even started yet and your already doing it" I say to liv who is in the kitchen

"Not the first time either" Maddie says walking out of her bedroom

I say hi then go unpack. We catch up on what happened while we were off, I somehow forget to mention that me ant Payton are back together. We order dinner and I have a shower then get ready for tomorrow. I'm laying in bed watching tv when my phone rings, its an unknown number.

"Hello?" I say

"Hi" they say and I can instantly tell its Payton

"Omg Payton. I miss you" I say

"I miss you too" he says

"Your an asshole for not telling me you phone broke earlier" I say

"Sorry I was going to but I forgot your number then I got it off Faith who got it off Esther now I'm calling you off of her phone" he explains

"I was overthinking so much. Like you had met some really hot girl and hated me" I say

"The girls here are nothing compared to you. I could never hate you I love you too much to ever let you go again" he says

"I love you too, so what have you been doing" I ask

He tells me everything and I tell him what I did. I gets late and we say bye because I have school tomorrow. I put my phone on charge and go to sleep.

Maybe change isn't bad - Payton Moormeier Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ