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Its the day before prom and I'm just chilling watching tv. I'm on my phone looking for hair styles and make up looks for tomorrow. I find some that I like and save them to my camera roll and actually focus what's on the tv. The girls come back with food so I go sit in the living room with them.

"You guys going to the boys tonight" I ask

"No, we'll probably drink at tomorrows after party" Liv says

"Oh ok, where's that" I ask

"At a hotel near the venue" Maddie says "Are you coming" she asks

"Probably not, I'll just come back here" I say

I stay in the living room and watch tv with them for a while. Eventually Payton turns up and we go to my room. I get out the books I need and sit on my bed and he sits next to me.

"What took you so long" I ask

"Esther called and I go stopped by Samantha on the way. She wanted to know if you were ok, she says you haven't showed up for the past two weeks sessions. Why aren't you going" he asks

"Because I don't want to. I may have needed her the first time sobering up but I don't need her now" I say "Why, do you think I should go" I ask

"I think you know what's best for you and if you don't want to go then you don't have to" he says

I nod and we get on with studying. He goes through the text book and finds one of my weaker areas and we focus on that. I put some music on while I work but that doesn't stop me from distracting us. I get some food half way through so I can stop for a bit. It takes us two and a half hours with all my interruptions. Once were done he packs his stuff up.

"Why is maths so tiering" I say turning the music off and the tv in

"I don't know but I could do with a nap" he says

"Same here" I say

He sits next to me on my bed again and watches tv with me. I rest my head on his shoulders and he rests his head on mine. My eyes het heavy and I end up falling asleep. I wake up a few hours later with Paytons head on my chest and him peacefully asleep. I run my hands through his soft hair and play with it until I see him slowly waking up.

"Sorry for waking you" I say stopping

"Its ok" he says lifting his head and moving.

We get out of bed and go into the living room and no ones there. Payton goes to the kitchen and gets a red bull and one for me too. We watch tv for a but and everyone finally gets here.

"Oh you guys are awake" Maddie says as they walk in

"Yeah we woke up a bit a got" Payton says

"I'm still tiered" I say yawning

"Go back to sleep then" Payton says

"I can't other wise I would dumbass" I say

We all watch tv and talk. The boys eventually leave and I go to my room. I have a shower and get ready for bed. I get my dress out and hang it up do it doesn't get creased. I lay in bed bored so I decide to face time someone.

"Hey" Payton says answering the phone

"Hey, what are you doing" I ask

"Watching tv, you?" he asks

"I was bored" I say "What time are the boys getting here" I ask

"I dont know. Six I think" he says and I nod

Maybe change isn't bad - Payton Moormeier Where stories live. Discover now