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I wake up early, before my alarm early. I go on my phone for a bit before my alarm goes of reminding me to get out of bed. I go to my closet and look for something to wear, I get jeans and one of Paytons hoodies. I don't bother with make up so I go to the living room and watch tv until the girls are up. I make breakfast for us and we eat it in the living room while watching tv.

"What's up with you and Payton you never said yesterday" Maddie asks

"Nothing much really" I say

"Really because that's not what it sounded like" Live says "omg Payton I missed you, I LOVE you" she says mimicking me and emphasising love

"So what I love all my friend like you, Maddie, Esther, Jamie, Kai and the boys" I say as they walk in "perfect timing"

"You ready to go" Jordan asks and we nod

"Where's Payton, he never came back" Liam asks

"On holliday and get broke his phone" I say

We leave and go to maths. Surprisingly I did fine by myself but to be fair we were doing multiplication and I find that easy. Its just better when Paytons here. The other two lessons went by slowly but then it was break and I met everyone in the cafeteria after getting food.

"Hey" I say as I sit down

"Hi" they says

"What are we doing this weekend" Liam asks

"Drinking" Liv says in a duh tone

"I'll probs watch movies with Payton" I say and they look at me weirdly "I don't drink remember"

"Sure you don't wanna fuck him" Maddie laughs

"How did you- No I don't" I say cutting myself off

"Wait did you guys" Jordan says trailing off

"Prom night" I say

"How cliché" Liv says

"We all know you fucked Liam that night" I say and she shrugs

Break ends and we go back to class. The rest of the day goes by surprisingly quickly. I go to my dorm and start my homework, seriously who gives homework on the first day back. I stop doing homework when it's time for dinner.

We go to the hall and get something to eat. I take it back to the dorm and eat there. I have a shower and get ready for bed, I finish the homework I was doing earlier as well. I watch tv when Esther calls me interrupting my show.

"Hello darling" I say

"Hello sweetheart" she says "how are you how's school"

"I'm good schools shit. How are you" I ask

"I'm good but missing you" she says "Nova came round yesterday"

"Aww really can't believe I missed that" I say

We talk for an hour before she goes to meet the others. I don't get to watch much of my show because my phone rings again. It's the unknown number so I'm guessing it's Payton.

"Hello?" I say just like yesterday

"Hello" Payton says "how are you and everyone" he asks

"Me and everyone are good. How are you" I ask

"I'm good. Counting down the days till I'm back" he says

"Why, do you miss me too much" I tease

"Yeah and I want my phone fixed" he says and I laugh. We talk for a few hours and it gets late and I wanna finish my show.

"I should go it's late" I say

"Ok I love you bye" he says

"Wait I gotta say something" I says

"What is it" he questions

"Everyone knows we fucked prom night and I didn't tell them we're together" I say really quickly "I love you byeeee" I say before hanging up

I put my phone on charge and get back in bed. I finish my show before going to sleep.

Today was boring, the same boring lessons like every week. The only good thing is Paytons coming home tomorrow.

Once lessons are over I go to my dorm and get started on the maths homework I have. Usually Payton would help me, I miss him. I watch some tv before I go get dinner. We agree on Panda Express so I get it. I get back and give everyone their food. I go to my room and eat and come out to put the rubbish in the bin then sit in the living room with everyone.

"You ok, you've been moping about lately" Jordan says

"Yeah I'm good" I say

"She misses lover boy" Liv says. She still haven't let go me and Payton getting back together. I haven't given them a yes or no answer I just ignore it.

"Shut up" I say

I stay in the living room to a bit before going to my room. I put my tv on and outer banks again. I come out to get a drink then go back to my room. Half way through episode three there's knock at the dorm door. I go to see who it is and I see Payton coming in. I run over to him and literally jump. I wrap my legs around him and he wraps his arms around me.

"Baby I missed you" I say with my head buried in his neck

"I missed you too" he says with a smile once I'm off him

"How lovely for you to come join us. We're about to play bored games wanna play" Liam says

"Actually I came to get Kaden, we're having a movie night" he says taking my hand

"So you are together" Maddie says

"I never said we weren't" I say and we leave

We go back to Payton's dorm and he unpacks. Once he's done we go get food and decide on what movie we're watching when we get back. Payton gets plates and stuff for us to eat on and I flick through tv shows on tv.

"So is your phone fixed" I ask

"No I'm getting it dome tomorrow, can you drop me off" he asks

"Sure, how was the holiday" I ask

"It was good. Why didn't you tell them" he asks

"I don't know, I mean I don't care if they do I just don't know how to say it. I know it sounds stupid" I say

"You are stupid sometimes" he says and I look at him with a fake shocked expression

"Your a dumb fuck" I say and lightly hit his arm "That's for breaking your phone so I can't talk to you"

I put the movie on while we finish eating, Payton tidies up afterwards and we cuddle on the sofa. We are on the third movie when the boys get back. They don't really acknowledge us and just go to their rooms. By the end of the movie its almost curfew and I have to leave.

"I don't want to go, you only just came back" I say walking to the door

"I don't want you to go but they might do inspections tonight" he says I turn around and give him a hug

"Goodbye" I say giving him a quick kiss

"Bye" he says as I'm walking down the hall

I go back to my dorm and start getting ready for bed. Sure enough there was an inspection. I watch tv in bed before falling asleep.

Maybe change isn't bad - Payton Moormeier Where stories live. Discover now