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I wake up the next morning and like always I don't have a headache. For some reason I never get hungover. I never have, lucky me I guess. I go into the living room and its a mess, I go to the kitchen and get a cold glass of water to help me wake up. I go back into the living room and start tidying up the mess. I get a bin bag and start throwing away cups and stuff when I notice Payton isn't there, as soon as I realise this he walks out of the bathroom.

"Morning" I say looking at him before continuing what I was doing

"Morning" he says in a raspy morning voice and not going to lie it was kinda hot. 'No it wasn't'. He goes to the fridge and gets a red bull before helping me finish tidying. Once were done I look at the time and its actually afternoon. I get a snack and go back to my room and I get a facetime call from Esther and I pick up obviously.

"So how was last night" she asks

"It was good I almost got drunk and everyone else got shit faced" I tell her everything about last night and she tells me how her and the others got drunk in the park like always.

"Wish I could have been their, I miss you guys" I say as my door opens and Payton stands in my door way "Anything you want" I ask

"The others are awake we're going to get food if you wan to come" he asks

"Who's that" Esther asks

"Just Payton" I say and he walks over to see who I'm talking to

"Esther" he says surprised

"Wait its that Payton, you never said it's my cousin Payton" she said

"I never knew he was your cousin, wait is he's the one that you used to be best friends with and lives in Mooresville" I say remembering when she used to talk about him

"Yeah but then he went to boarding school in Charlotte and I stopped seeing you" she says to him

"How didn't you realise it was him, there's only one boarding school in Charlotte and you only have one cousin call Payton with a baby face that's the same age as you and lives in Mooresville" I say laughing a little

"I don't know, omg I've been teasing you about my cousin this entire time. Wait Payton stand closer to her" she says and he moves so he's next to me "never mind you do look cute together" she says knowing it'll annoy me

"ok whatever its not going to happen I'm trying to come back home remember. Anyway I should go get food with the other I'll talk to you later" I say hanging up the phone. We leave my room and the others are waiting for us

We leave and end up going McDonalds. We order our food and wait for someone to bring it to us, we start eating. I'm sitting opposite Payton and next to Mads, Payton keeps on looking at me and I try to avoid eye contact.

"So why did you guys take so long in your room earlier" Jordan asks

"I was on facetime to my best friend and it turns out its his cousin" I explain

"What a small world we live in" Liv says

We finish eating and go back to my dorm and the boys go back to theirs. I manage to finish my Spanish homework and get some more of my English homework done all I have left is maths. I've been told that if I apply myself I'm actually quiet smart which is true and I've proved it this week. However I've always been shit at maths. I try the first few questions but get stuck and frustrated, I throw the book on the floor before picking it up and texting Payton.

Can you come over I need help

Sure with what

maths homework 

I'll be over in five

I go answer the door when I hear a knock and I let him in. We go to my room and he helps me finish my maths homework, then we do the English work together. I get bored half way through so I get up and go get a snack from the kitchen and a red bull

"Don't I get anything" Payton says as I walk in

"Yeah if you go get it" I say sitting on my bed

"Hey their my red bull" he wines

"Then why are they in my fridge" I says getting back to work. As I finish my last sentence my phone goes off and it the group chat. Its Esther, Kai and Jamie making plans for tonight, their going to a party the getting high in the park. I start to miss home as I look at my phone.

"What's wrong" Payton says and I look up from my phone

"Nothing, just wish I could be home with my friends" I say

"I get that you want to get back to your old life but maybe you should give it a try here. I mean most people are annoying snobs but we're not to bad" he says referring to his group of friends. He's not wrong, most people here are snobs but I guess these guys are ok

"I just wanna get back to my old life, I don't want to change" I say

"You don't have to change just keep it low key for a bit" he say getting up and sitting next to me. I don't wanna talk about this no more so I change the subject.

"Wanna watch tv" I ask and he says yes. We agree to something from Netflix on, we end up watching the office. I lean my head on Payton's shoulder and he wraps his arm around me, honestly he smells really good. After a few hours I look at the time and its almost 10pm.

"Its late and I'm hungry where can we go" I say looking up at him

"There's a chick fil a close by if you wanna go there" he says

"Ok" I say putting on my shoes and grabbing a jacket.

I ask the girls if the want anything they say no and we leave. We walk to chick fil a and eat inside. We stay their and talk then we go to the park that's close, we stay at the park for a bit. I check the time and its almost 11pm.

"The gates are going to close soon we should go" I say

"Yeah we should" he says getting off the swing next to me.

We walk back to the school and stop at the shops on the way because I want snacks. When we get back the gates are closed, I see a guard I pull me and Payton to the side so he doesn't see us.

"What are we going to do now" Payton says

"We're going to have to climb the gate" I say as I get closer to the gate "watch out for the guard"

"Ok" Payton says and I climb the gate, it's not that hard but not the easiest. I sit at the top and say

"Now your turn" I say to Payton and he climbs up and we jump down together. We manage to get in the building without getting caught. Its still half an hour till curfew so we're fine to walk around the school. He walks me to my dorm and we say goodbye.

I get in and the girls are in their rooms. I decide to make the brownie mix I bought, while I'm making them I listen to music until Esther call me. I answer the facetime and set up my phone so she can see me.

"What you doing" she asks

"Making brownies" I say "how bout you" I ask

"Just chilling, wish they were special brownies" she asks

"You know it" I laugh. I talk with her while I finish making the brownies. I eat a few before going to my room, I talk to Esther for a bit before watching Netflix and eventually going to bed.

A/n: I miss writing at the end of each part but ido what to say.

Maybe change isn't bad - Payton Moormeier Where stories live. Discover now