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"Only two more weeks till I can go home" I say to myself. It's the second week back I kinda just wanna go home and chill for a few days. I have no motivation for work.

Payton walks into my room and sits at my desk. He gets work books out and opens them to the page we need.

"Only five questions today, then we can watch some movies" he says

"I really don't want to" I say flopping down into my bed

"Your homework is pilling up and you know you need to keep you grades up or you'll be kicked out" he says

"I know, pass me my book" I say and we get started on the work.

He manages to convince me to do some more work. He helps me with most of it. I put my work away, he sits next to me on my bed and puts the tv on.

"I'm tiered, I'm gunna take a nap" I say

"Ok" he says. I lay my head on his chest and he wraps one of his arms around me.

"Shut up, you'll wake them up" I hear some one say

"Are you sure their not together" I hear a male voice say

"She hasn't told me anything" I'm guessing Maddie said

"C'mon let's leave them" the first voice says

I hear my bedroom door shut and I quickly fall asleep again. I get woken up not to long later when I hear music. I go into the living room and everyone is drinking. I go to the kitchen and get a drink and go back to my room. I sit on my bed and Payton soon wakes up and sits up.

"Everyone's back and drinking if you want to join them" I say

"Na. We can go to mine and have our movie night" he suggests

"I wanna do something different" I say

"What do you want to do then" he asks

"I don't know" I say. I pause and thought about what we could do "Isn't the pool open or something"

"Yeah but only for swimmers, plus it might be closed by now" he says

"Ok well were going" I say getting off my bed and going to my closet "I'm staying at yours, I dont want to deal with them all night" I say

"Ok, I'll go get changed" He says getting up and leaving.

I get changed into the only bikini I have, which is a black one. I get and over sized top and out put it on top and take some shorts to wear later. I also take some clothes for tomorrow. I leave without anyone noticing, I make my way to Paytons and he's ready. I leave my bag in his dorm and we walk to the pool.

"Curfew is in an hour an a half so we should be ok. Its not like we will be in their for ages" I say once we get to the pool.

Its an indoors heated pool, we go in and Payton takes his top off and puts on a bench so it doesn't get wet. I do the same, he runs and jumps in. I walk over to the edge and hesitate to  get in.

"Its not that cold just get in" he says

"Yea I will in a second" I say staring at the edge, I sit at the edge and put my feet in.

"Are you going to get in or what" he asks

"In a second" I said and he swims to the edge

"Can you swim" he asks

"Yeah, I'm just not that confident" I say, never really had time to learn how to swim.

"Come here" he says moving closer.

He puts his hands on my waists and lifts me into the pool. I wrap my arms around his neck and he holds me and we swim further away from the edge.

"You good" he asks and I nod. He lets go and I can keep my head above water. "See your a pro" he laughs

"Shut up Moormeier" I say rolling my eye.

I swim to the part of the pool where I can touch the bottom so its easier, Payton follows me. We just relax and swim about.

"There's something about swimming at night that's just so relaxing" I say

"I know right" Payton says looking at me with a smirk

"What" I say then he splashes me "Oh your dead" I say splashing him back

We splash each other for a little bit, I go underwater to avoid getting splashed. I come back up and Paytons gone, I turn around and he's right behind me.

"We should go" he almost whispers

"Ok" I say in an equally quiet voice

Like the dumbasses we are we forgot towels, so we practically run back to his room so we don't get caught. He goes into the bathroom and gets me a towel and I dry off.

"Can I use your shower, I hate the smell of chlorine" I say

"Of course, use my shampoo and conditioner" he say

"Thank you" I say

I get my clothes and have a shower. I get changed and put my bikini out to dry. Payton is in his room so I go in their, I get in bed and watch tv with him. My phone starts ringing and I answer it.

"Hey" I say as Esther's face lights up the screen

"Hey, were are you" she asks

"Payton's room, everyone's drunk and annoying" I say

"Oh ok, watcha doin" she ask

"Watching tv, what you doing" I ask back

"Just got back from the park" she says "what you watching" she asks

"Outer banks for the hundredth time" I say "Not complaining JJ is hot"

"That's fax no printer" she laughes

"Sarah Cameron or Kie" I ask Payton

"Kie, defiantly Kie" he says

"Awww he can be you JJ and your his Kie" Esther says 

"But Pope and Kie are together" I say

"We all know Kie should be with JJ" she says (A/n: I cant be the only one who ships it)

We talk for a little bit before she goes. I go to the kitchen and get some drinks when I feel some ones hands around my waist. I turn around and see Payton, he gives me a smile that I return. I give him a hug.

"Thank you" I say

"For what" he asks

"Everything, for staying with me through everything and putting up with my bitchiness" I say

"Anything for you Kaden" he says

A/n: I thought they were dating when I re-read this. Then I remember their not.

I'm currently writing part 30 and I can't concentrate

Maybe change isn't bad - Payton Moormeier Where stories live. Discover now