"Finally!" Blake beamed.

"What do you mean by that?" She quickly questioned him. He laughed, making Clara join him, and I chuckled. Cambria observed us three, looking more confused than she did before.

"Your mother and I wanted this to happen for a long time. We are very happy for you both." Blake said as he hugged his daughter tightly.

"How long?" She then asked her parents. Clara looked at me for approval, and I nodded. Cambria watched this interaction between us, raising her eyebrow.

"Since you went on a date with a foolish excuse of a man," Clara stated, and Cambria's jaw dropped.

"Yeah... after you left, Clara and I talked. She pretty much called me out on my feelings, and I told her everything that night." I added. Cambria walked over to her mom and hugged her tightly.

"Thank you, mom." She said.

"Of course, honey," Clara replied.

"Why didn't you just tell me this that day we talked about my feelings?" Cambria asked next.

"There's no way I could do that. When it involves the heart, you have to realize it yourself. Nothing I could have said would have made a difference if it didn't come from you. Trust me." Clara said, answering her.

"It's nice to have you live here finally," Blake said, and I smiled as he and Clara took turns hugging me. Cambria watched us with the happiest expression on her face. Clara was the one to break the silence minutes later.

"Cambria, gather some clothes for Mia and get the shower started. I want to look over her wounds before she goes upstairs." Clara said, and I lovingly watched as Cambria headed upstairs with a smile on my face.

"How do you feel, honey?" Clara asked, sounding very concerned.

"Sore and tired, but... the worst is the pounding in my head," I responded as Clara checked everywhere I was hurt.

"I don't think you have a concussion, but I want you to take it easy, okay?" She added, and I nodded.

Cambria returned downstairs just as Clara finished. She fastened her arm around me and carefully guided me up the stairs together. We walked to the restroom where I sat on the toilet, while Cambria went back to the room to get my clothing.

"Take your time. I'll be in our room so I can be ready to help you when you finish up." She stated.

"Bri, thank you," I replied.

"Always, Mia," Cambria said then kissed my cheek before leaving the bathroom.

I took my time and showered. I carefully made sure to wash my hair, but I couldn't stop the soap from burning the cut on my head that Vivian caused. By the time I began washing my body, I felt how exhausted I was from today's events, and I did my best to hurry so I could sit down.

I dried myself off once I concluded my shower, and piece by piece, I got dressed. When I opened the bathroom door, I smiled upon seeing Cambria exiting her room, and she made her way to me. She grabbed my hand, we walked into the room together, and she helped me onto the bed.

"Rest now, and I'll be right back, okay?" She added while looking in my eyes, and I smiled. Cambria leaned in, giving me a soft kiss on my lips, then I watched as she left the room.

"No sex," I heard Blake say out of nowhere, and I laughed. By the volume of his voice, they seemed to be at the bottom of the stairs, making sense as to why I could hear them.

"Dad?! Really?" Cambria exclaimed, making both of her parents laugh.

"Okay, well, just don't let us hear anything then," Clara added, and I could hear Cambria groan in response.

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