Goodbye Letter

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⚠️ this one shot may be triggering for some readers. I don't mean to upset anyone or cause a relapse of any sorts‼️⚠️

Hero has a couple of photo shoots for the rest of the day today. He should be home around 3 or so. I think this is the best time to pull a prank on him. I made sure I woke up way earlier than him so I could hide one of my old phone in the back of his car, to record. We decided to create a couples YouTube channel a couple months ago. It's like a side job outside of acting and modelling for the both of us.

The first two weeks was very surprising. We gained over 6 million subscribers. As the weeks goes by, our subscriptions increased a lot. We are now, 6 months committed to YouTube and we already have 38 million followers. Can you believe that ?!

On our channel, we do q&a's, challenges, story times and pranks of course. The last time Hero pranked me, we almost broke up. He really thought it was funny to 'cheat' on me, after the rumors about him and Chanel.

Not cool Hero. Now is the time I come back at him for what he did. I hop out of bed and went to party city to get fake blood. And my close friend Lili Reinhart is coming over later to do a special effects makeup on my wrist.

The rest of the afternoon went by quickly,Lili is on her way over now, and Hero called and told me that he'd be home in an hour. I'm really nervous to see how this will turn out. In the mean time while I wait for Lili I decided to start writing my 'goodbye letter'.

After, I'm done writing. I folded the paper and placed it by the door in the bowl where we keep our keys. Holy shit, he's going to hate me after this. Lili is finally here. She already did my hand make up and also used some water proof makeup on my face so I could look pale and lifeless. She even helped me set up the cameras, while I filled up the tub with water and the fake blood. I head to the kitchen and grab a small knife at that I use to peel fruits and covered it in the fake blood.

"So I have a camera set up by the front door and I hid one in the bed room, in the closet" Lili says as her enters the bathroom. "Thank you so much, I owe you big time!" I pull her into a hug.

"Shit, this looks so scary!" I giggle. "I know, I can't wait to watch it!" Lili squeals. "I got to go before Hero gets here. I love you call me later girl !" She says. "I love you too bye!" I hug her once more before she leaves. I'm pacing around, nervous as fuck. You can't back out now Langford! My subconscious says. I know, I know. I'm just nervous!

I sit around and waited a couple minutes, until I know when Hero is about to come home. The ringing of my phone, alerted me. It's Hero. It's time to get into acting mode. I let the phone ring about two more times before I answer.

I'm now on my way home now. I wasn't really at a shoot. I spent the whole day, sorting out some stuff I had planned for Jo. I'm supposed to be taking her out to dinner, where I would finally ask her to be my wife. And I pray to god she says say. Anna helped me pick out the perfect ring and outfit for Jo to wear.

I tried calling Jo to let her know that I'm on my way home. After about to more rings she finally answered. "H-hey" she sniffs. Is she crying? "Hey, beautiful. Are you okay, you sound upset" I ask her and I use one hand to hold the phone and the other to turn the staring wheel.

"Yeah, I'm fine" she replies. "Babe, are you sure you're okay ?" I press. "I'm sorry" was all she said. "Sorry for what love?" I ask worriedly. "Can you make me a promise?" She asks. "What promise Josephine. What's going on ?" I ask. "Just promise me that you'll always be happy" she says. "Babe, what are yo-" she cuts me off. "Promise me Hero" she says sternly. "I promise" I say in defeat.

I'm not that far from home. "Babe?" I say after I realize that that line went silent. I'm starting to get worried. I press my feet on the gas speeding through the traffic. Not caring if I get a couple of tickets in the mail. Something is wrong with my girl.

I'm finally in the drive way. I quickly grab the bags and ran straight inside. The neighborhood we live in isn't that bad as I thought. Though,it took me a year to get use to it.

I open the front door, and drop the keys in the small bowl on the table by the door. But I really a yellow paper with my name written on it. I take the paper and open it.

Dear Hero,
                       I know that this is sudden, it wasn't supposed to always be like this. I just feel like my life is overwhelming and that you're going to get tired of me sooner or later.

The love I have for you is unconditional. Nothing can ever change that. Just know that you will always have my heart. I think it's time to set you free from me. You deserve so much better that me, you know it, I know it, well all know it. If it wasn't for other first lead roles, I'm pretty sure we wouldn't be together. Please thank Anna for that.

I wanted us to grow old together, to have a beautiful family that we created together. And for the rest of my minutes on this earth, I will love you like no other.

I'm sorry that I had to do this to you. Don't stay around and mope around after I'm gone. I want you to be happy. Move on. Find someone to love you add much as I did you, even more. Start your own little family and lastly kick ass. Goodbye Hero. I love you forever my sweet baby boy.
                                Xoxo Josephine

The tears run down my eyes. She wouldn't do that wouldn't she?  How can I move on ? Why would she think that she wasn't good enough for me? Today I was supposed to ask her to be my wife. I quickly got up and head straight towards the room to check if she really have left me. Everything was the same, as I left it this morning. All her clothes are still in our closet, not touched.

"Jo!" I called but no answer. I ran out to the back yard where the pool was to see if she is out there, but there is no sight of her. I'm starting to get even more worried now.

I head back inside, and towards our bedroom and grab my phone to call her. I hear the faint sound of her phone ringing. The sound is coming from our bathroom. The door is cracked open, but the lights are off. I push the door open and turned on the lights. There is blood everywhere. I feel my body lose all the color pigment it had. There is a small knife covered in blood, right by the bathtub.

No no no no!

Fuck, no this can't be happening.  She wouldn't. I pull the shower curtains to the side, just to meet the love my my life's lifeless body. She looks so pale. I let out the most ugliest, uncontrollable sob. "Why!" Was all I could get out. I lift my shaky hand to her cheek caressing it. "Why, love why ?" I sob. I feel her neck to see if she had a pulse. Luckily she did.

I hurriedly got up and picked her up bridal style. I don't bother calling the ambulance because they would take long to come and she's losing a lot of blood. The cuts on her had looks deep... very, very deep.

I grab my keys and rushed outside not caring if I locked the front door or not. The hospital is only 15 minutes away. I carefully place her in the back seat of the car. I took of my sweatshirt and tied the sleeve over her and to stop the bleeding.

I'm still fucking sobbing my the time I'm on the highway. "I can't lose you, just please hold on a little bit longer love" I used the back of my hand to wipe away my tears.

"Today was supposed to be the day, I asked to do be my wife. I already had your ring and dress picked out. Anna helped a lot" I continue cry. "I was supposed to tell you how much I love you and how much you mean the world to me, but I can't do that if you're not here with me. Please wake up, Jo. I love you so much. I don't know what I would do with myself if you are gone " I continue.

"I love you too handsome. But it was a prank" I hear her voice from behind me. I snap my head back in shock with wide eyes.

"What the fuck Josephine?!"
"Hero watch out!" we shouted at the same time before everything went black.

The end.

Ouch. Please don't hate me 🥺💀. This is unedited.I don't have school tomorrow because of the weather, so I'll try to update something else.
Don't forget to vote and comment !!!
Ok bye !

Chevina 🦋

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