The Sinisters

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Depressed, I've always felt depressed. Ever since my mom died, my father, my older sister Katherine and I moved to London.

My mother was supposedly in a 'car accent' that's what my dad told us when I was 10 and Kath was 15.

We moved to London when I was age 16, yeah 6 years later my dad decided to move on. My dad was the C.E.O of the Langford's Corporate.

I was happy, ever since I was happy. Even though my mom died. I know she wouldn't want me to mope around all the time.

My dad died at my freshman year of college. He had cancer and he kept it from us until his last breath. Ever since he died, I felt even more depressed than I was. On some days I was numb, and most time the pain I felt inside seems like it won't leave anytime soon. I always drink alcohol to numb the pain I felt. Sometimes I'd even slit my wrist. After my dad died, I was in a bad state. That's why I'd always thinking that dying will make things feel better. A year after my dad died. I was raped in a alleyway next to a bar.

I'm drunk as fuck. I usually just drink to ease the pain. As I walked out of the pub. The cold London breeze hit me. It feels good against my hot cheeks. Walking back to my apartment I felt like I was being followed. Every tile I turned the street was empty, but every time I continued to walk, I could hear the footsteps.

I payed no attention to it though, that was very stupid of me. Suddenly I was grabbed by my hair and pulled into a dark alleyways. "What's a beautiful girl like you walking around alone?" He asked kissing me on my neck. I feel violated, I feel disgusting at this point. "Get off of me!" I yelled trying to fight back. "You bitch" he grunted as he grabbed both sides of my head and slam it against the wall. I felt a sharp pain, my eyes were beginning to shut. But I fought to keep them open. "Help!, somebody help me!" I yelled but nobody heard.

I'm starting to get unconscious, I could feel that random guy pulling down my pants along with my underwear. All I could do was cry and pray to god that he wasn't going to do what I thought he was. But obviously my prayer didn't come through. I could him opening a foil packet that I supposed is the condom. I tried to run I tried to scream, just to earn a slap right across my right cheek causing me to yelp.

I screamed as loud as I can as her entered me, without my permission. Nobody was there to help me. Every time I yelp in pain I earned another slap. My innocence was taken from me without my permission.

Suddenly I heard a grunt, I assume that was him. I could hear new people, guys. There string British accent shouting and yelling. I could hear someone screeching in pain. I felt somebody fixing my clothes. My head hurts so bad. "Please don't h-Hurt me" I cried, my voice was going inaudible. I didn't think the person would hear me. "I'm not going to hurt you" he whispered into my ears. I tried to open my eyes but I couldn't. But once I did, I was met with the most beautiful green eyes just only for a second before everything went black.

(The Present) Jo Pov
It's been a year, since that incident happened. I haunts me everyday and every night. Mostly in the night or when it's dark. Because of this, I make sure that I only work during the days. I work at a local coffee shop about 20 minutes away from where I live.

The shop might me small, but I sure make a hell of a money. Plus tips. It's like a dream job I've never dreamed of. It's now 6:30 am and I have to be at work by 7:30 am to open the shop.

I got up from bed and make my way to my bathroom to brush my teeth and take a shower. My apartment is very small but it's homey. I only have one friend, she knows everything about me. Even about that night. She didn't judge me or look at me different. I'm fact he was almost sexually assaulted. I met her when I go to group meetings, something like therapy.

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