Sick Of It

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Here I am, peacefully laying down reading a book called After We Fell. I love Tessa and Hardin's relationship. I mean yeah, they fight a lot. But at the end of the day they'll make their way back together.

Their relationship is filled with a lot of obstacles always trying to break them apart. Carol will be a great example. She wants what's best for Tessa. Yet she thinks Hardin is not good enough for her. Maybe it's because he reminds her of someone in her past or it's just... well I don't know.

As I continue to read my phone starts to ring. It's him. "Hey" I answer. "Come get Jeremiah I'm outside" he says not even bothering to at least a little hello. But what did I expect this is Hero Fiennes-Tiffin we're talking about. Fucking arrogant asshole.

"It's not even Sunday, why—" I whine but he cuts me off. "Just shut the fuck up and come get him!" He snaps. Jeez someone is in a mood. "I'll be out in a second" I say and with that I hung up before he can reply.

I grab a pair of my flip flop. I didn't bother changing my shorts and tank top because I'm just going downstairs. I grab my keys, closing the door behind me before heading down the stairs.

As I walk out of the building. The chilly London breeze hit me. I hug myself to get some body warmth and hurriedly walk over to Hero's black Audi. I opened the door without a word and unbuckle a sleeping Jeremiah from his booster seat. He just turned four a couple of weeks ago. I quietly picked him up and closing the door shut behind me.

"Jo!" I hear him start to call but I ignore him. Sometimes he scares the shit out of me. That's what you get for fucking with a gang member. My subconscious replies."Josephine!" He called again. "What? I'm freezing and you didn't even bother to but a hat or something on Jeremiah's head. I don't want him to catch a cold!" I say annoyed. He just rolled his eyes,so walked off back into the building. I hear his heavy boots following behind me, but I don't stop him.

Finally we arrived at my apartment door. I push the door open and went straight to Jeremiah's room to put him down. The past four years of co-parenting is hell. Hero fucking spoils him, like always. It's like he doesn't know how to say a simple no. It's just two letters for fucks sakes.

With that being said. When he doesn't get what he wants, he'd throw a fit and guilt trip me by days; "daddy always give me what I want!"

Sorry but it isn't always going to be like that buddy. I walk back out to the living room and see Hero pacing back and forth. "What the problem?" I ask crossing my arms over my head. "Uh, um h-he's high" he stutters. "Who's high and what does that have to do with me?" I ask confused crossing my arms over my chest. "Well, um. Tamara a-accidentally left some pot brownie on the counter and uh um, Jeremiah ate one" he replies.

"WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK HERO!?" I yelled. And it's surprising because I rarely raise my voice at him because he's scary as fuck and you don't know what he's capable of. "Where the fuck were you ?!" I continue. "Wait, let me guess you were fucking her goddamn brains out while your son was left unsupervised eating fucking pot brownies!"

"Calm down, it's not that serious" he finally speaks up. Ughh I just want to fucking slap him with the back of my hand right now. This is getting too much. The last time he dropped back Jeremiah off. He had a huge bite mark on his cheeks that looks like it would've left a mark, but thankfully it didn't.

"JJ what happened to your cheek baby?" I ask him. "Noah bit me". Noah is Tamara's son. He is a year older than JJ. "Did you tell daddy?" I ask and he shook his head no. "Why?" I question him. "Because Tamara wouldn't let me" he say cuddling closer to me.

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