The Sinisters 7

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"When's your next appointment?" Hero burst through the door of our bedroom. He's been really distant for the past week and my hormones aren't helping. We haven't had a proper conversation since the night he walked out of the room, they next morning I woke up and both him and Nyla were cuddling in the guest room fast asleep.

Every time I try to talk to him, to apologize. He just cut me off, saying that he's busy with work. I know he's mad at me,but he doesn't have to be a sick about it.

I sit up from the bed to face Hero who's shooting daggers at me. "It's next week" I reply. "There are seven days in a week and 24 hours in a day Josephine, which one?" He says sarcastically. "It's next Wednesday at 1:30" I say and my voice cracks. He walks further into the room and goes into the huge walk-in closet. I sat all the way up, hoping that he was coming to bed, but he walks straight out the closet in a pair of black sweatpants and a white shirt with a pair of air forces in his hand. "Where are you going ?" I ask him confused. I look over at the clock at it's 9:46. He must've put Nyla to bed already.

Hero completely ignores me and walk out the room making sure to slam the door with a loud thud causing me to flinch. I feel the tears run down my cheeks and I don't bother wiping them away. Why did it have to come down to this? I run my hand through my hair and I sobbed. I cry until I have no more tears left to cry.

Kath and Felix went away for the week with Nyla to see her nana and pop pop. They should be back by tonight or tomorrow morning. It's just me alone in with my thoughts. I grab my phone from the night stand and dialed my best friend number. She answers on the first ring.

"Hey bitch, it's been a while !" She was the first thing she said. Typical Aurora. "Hey are you busy ?" I sniff. "No, are you okay? Do you want to come over ?" She asks. "Yea, if that's okay with you. I messed up so bad, a-and I don't know what to do" I cry. "Hey, hey calm down, are you sure you can drive?" She ask. "Yea, I'll be over there in a couple of minutes" I took a deep breath. "Okay babe, I'll see you when you get here" she says and hang up. I got up from bed and got dressed into some sweats and a shirt from when I used to go to college. I wrap my hair into a low ponytail then went to Nyla's room. She was fast asleep and I felt bad that I have to wake her up because I know how grumpy she gets. I quietly put a sweater over her pjs and went into her closet to get a pair of shoes along with socks. After putting them on I walk back over to my room to get my phone and purse. After getting those, I pick Nyla up and walk out to the car, putting her into the car seat. She whined a little but went right back to sleep.

The drive to Aurora's flat was short. I take Nyla out from her car seat, putting her hoodie over her head. I knock on the door and Aurora opens up almost immediately. "Hey boo" she pulls me into a hug. "Hey" I smile at her. She opens the door wider for me to step in. I put Nyla onto the couch and sit next to her while my best friend takes a seat in-front of me. "So what's going one, you seem really upset" she asks.

"A whole lot has been going on lately. For starters I found out I was pregnant a couple weeks ag-" I say but she cuts me off. "YOURE PREGNANT!?" She asks shock and I nod with a small smile. "You don't seem happy about it ?" She says with a frown. "No, no don't get me wrong. I'm happy that we're having another baby, it's just that when I found out I was just shock. I kept it from Hero for about a week or two because I didn't know how felt about having another child so kept it from him. I was planning on telling Him though, but I guess he found out and got mad that I didn't tell him" I say. "And to add more to it. Fucking guy tried to kidnap Nyla and Lilly at the park last week. Hero and Felix was out of town and Kath and I took them to the park. Nyla looked so scared-I shudder at the memory- there was a guy running a head of me and I yelled at him to stop the man with my baby. He tackled him and the police came. I didn't tell Hero the exact time, I don't think I was ever going to tell him. And I know I was wrong for that" I say the end part mostly to myself.

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