Advent Abbadon Part 1

Start from the beginning

Yet in the wake of such doom, another deity answered our prayers... Relaria the Goddess of Chaos was her name. She too came from somewhere beyond the stars... and she fought alongside the dragons of yore in an attempt to stop Abbadon after it had attained the authority of the dead Goddess.

Relaria eventually managed to end our hardship by sealing the soul of this great old evil inside what appeared to be a crystal of radiant ice. From the corpse of the Great Destroyer spawned the endless species of Danger Beasts that the world knows today... and likewise the Chaos it harbored would dwell in the hearts of men.

"So the aura you're feeling right now..."

"Exactly, Anna. The power atop this mountain belongs to Abbadon. It's possible someone attained the crystal and altered it into a Teigu, nay, something even beyond that—a divine treasure of limitless potential."

Taking a deep, long breath, Anna closed her eyes and focused her mind on the sound of the raging winter wind. Though a mere mortal such as herself could not comprehend or measure the presence of an elder god, she could feel the pressure in the air, the wildlife in the region retreating, and a chilling sensation running down her spine.

Opening her eyes once more, Anna reached underneath the dark hooded cloak that kept her safe from the cold. She pulled a letter out of her jacket's side pockets and looked down upon its writing.

"Anna — or as the locals call you; Guardian of the Mountain — if you'd like to see your beloved Ichi once again... come to the summit. Words cannot express her need for your presence right now."

Crushing the paper, Anna gritted her teeth. "I can't just run away now...if something were to happen to Ichi... I'd never forgive myself, " she reluctantly put her thoughts into words.

"I understand...that's why we will need to use our utmost potential to best the one who awaits us, " Kohryu explained.

"You mean—

"Yes...the true strength we mastered during our time on this mountain."

"Alright... let's go."

Whether or not she stood a chance did not matter now. The former member of Night Raid and Jaegers alike ventured through the sea of white before crossing the threshold leading to the summit of this great mountain. Waiting in complete silence, a mysterious man awaited for her arrival. Blood red eyes, smooth white hair, a figure that towered over Anna. All of it contrasted well against the business suit he wore. Its coloring was black, however, vertical white stripes also decorated it. The man wore a crimson scarf around his neck, no doubt to protect himself from the cold. Regardless, the most notable feature in his choice of attire was his golden and sapphire necklace, the item oozed a black miasma that caused Anna to freeze up in place.

"As I foresaw... you're still alive," a deep, husky voice akin to that of a smoker made its way into Anna's ears as the stranger stepped away from the edge and elected to move closer to his guest.

Grabbing a hold of her cloak, Anna tossed it to the wind revealing a dark, winter jacket that reached down to her waist. Her long, jet black hair with crimson highlights danced as her one red eye began to emit a strong flame-like radiance. Her left eye meanwhile had a black iris and displayed a fierce look all of its own.

"I'm here... now where the hell is Ichi? Tell me now or I'll gut you where you stand, " she inquired whilst clenching both of her fists.

Smiling at the girl's false confidence, the man decided to play along. "Where are my manners? My name is Araya. But as Kohryu has told you — I'm the one commanding Abbadon's Ice crystal."

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