I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms.

"Why do you ask Weasley? Interested in getting it up the arse?"

Ron gagged and frowned. He looked me up and down before snickering.

"Somehow I don't think you'd be giving it, Malfoy."

I rolled my eyes and pulled the finger at him. He sniffed and looked at Xavier.

"Why do you look so pissed?"

I looked over a Xavier and realized that he was glaring at Weasel. His eyes broke off of the red head and darted toward me. I raised my eyebrow at him and wondered what he was doing. Didn't we hate each other? Xavier looked back at Weasel. He smirked and looked at Jafar, whispering something in Parseltongue.

"What did you just say?"

Weasley's face had gone pale and his bottom lip was quivering. Jafar flicked his tongue at the Weasel as made his way toward Weasley.

"Careful. He bites."

Xavier stood up and watched with amusing eyes as Weasel froze. His eyes bulging out of his head. Jafar slowly slithered up the red head's arm and settled on his shoulder.

"Get him off. Please mate..."

Weasley's eyes filled with tears of pure terror. Xavier smirked and he spoke to Jafar again. Jafar moved to Weasley's other shoulder and ran his fangs over the red head's shoulder. Xavier chuckled as Weasley's eyes rolled into the back of his head. Jafar slid off the boy's shoulder before he fell backward onto the floor. A few Gryffindor's rushed over to Weasley and checked him to make sure he was ok. Granger rushed over to her boyfriend with the Weasel's sister in tow.

"Ron? Ron are you alright?"

Granger smacked his face lightly. I turned to Xavier. He was standing there with his arms crossed and he had a condescending smile on his face. His hair had fallen over his eyes. He peered at the scene before him with amusement before walking out of the hall. As he left a few of the younger years clapped. Weasley was not very well liked among the Slytherins because he was quite unkind to them. Even if they hadn't interacted with him before.

The grey haired girl walked over to the scene and shook her head.

"I knew it. I've made friends with an absolute fucking numpty."

I bit my lip to stop the laugh that threatened to burst forth. Perhaps she wasn't as bad as I thought.


After classes in the Slytherin Dorm {Xavier P.O.V}:

I was sitting on my bed and reading a new book I had bought, "Vampires: A full history."

The book was so incredibly thorough that it actually included famous vampire's and vampiric fashion statements. It also enclosed a list of current famous vampires. I was just reading the part on Animagus forms of Vampires when Draco slowly walked into the room with Blaise behind him.

"I'm not going to the party Blaise. I want to stay here and sleep. I'm exhausted."

Blaise rolled his eyes and sat down next to Draco.

"I know Dray but please? I don't want to be left with Pansy whining about you not being there."

Draco rolled his eyes and looked over at me. His eyes widened slightly, as though he had an idea, and he turned toward me.

"Well, Xavier isn't going, so why should I?"

Draco smirked at Blaise thinking that it was impossible for him to refute that argument.

"Xavier, if you go with us, I promise to buy Jafar a year's worth of plump rats."

I smirked and looked at Jafar. He nodded his head.

"Make it mice and you have yourself a deal."

Blaise walked over to me and shook my hand. He smirked at Draco and grabbed a change of clothes and his shower bag. He sauntered out the door and yelled at Pansy, saying that he'd convinced Draco. Draco looked at me and scowled. I raised my eyebrow and smirked at him.

"Well Draco, you better get changed to go to the party, which is where?"

Draco rolled his eyes and walked to his chest of drawers. He pulled out some green and black clothes before turning to me.

"It's in the forbidden forest. There'll be signs no doubt. All the houses from 4th year and above are invited."

He frowned and walked out, leaving me to my book. I sighed contentedly. I would take any opportunity to fuck with the ferret. I mean after all, he fucked with me for four years. Surely a few weeks of torment wouldn't hurt.

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